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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Specifying column datatypes in CTAS
You can also specify a partitioning clause when it's needed.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Richard []
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 8:16 PM
Subject: RE: Specifying column datatypes in CTAS
Waleed !!!
You win the virtual beer award. Combining your tip for specifying NOT NULL (but not datatype) in the CREATE TABLE side of the statement, along with the tip of CAST for specifying string length easily (although not number length it seems) provides me with a workable solution.
Now if only somewhere could explain Oracle's reasoning for allowing NOT NULL in the create table, but not the rest of the datatype!
"Khedr, Waleed" <Waleed.Khedr_at_FMR. To:"''" <>
COM> cc: Sent by: Subject: RE: Specifying column datatypes in CTAS oracle-l-bounce_at_fr 25/02/2004 11:47 Please respond to oracle-l
You can specify not null
create table test_ctas111 ( c1 not null) as select * from dual ;
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Richard []
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: Specifying column datatypes in CTAS
Tim and Justin,
Thanks for the tip on using CAST to set the length of the column. I will have to consider the length of time to issue the "modify... not null" statement though - on a table of this size I am expecting about 10-20 minutes to scan and validate the table. Then again - it will take around 4 hours to rebuild the indexes on this table, so what is another 10 minutes I guess. :-)
Tim Johnston <tjohnston_at_quallab> cc: Sent by: Subject: Re: Specifying column datatypes in CTAS oracle-l-bounce_at_fr 25/02/2004 10:14 Please respond to oracle-l
Um... What about something like this?
SQL> create table tim (col1 number);
Table created.
SQL> insert into tim values (1);
1 row created.
SQL> create table tim2 as select col1, 'test' col2 from tim;
Table created.
SQL> desc tim2
Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- COL1 NUMBER COL2 CHAR(4)
SQL> create table tim3 as select col1, cast('test' as varchar2(100)) col2 from tim;
Table created.
SQL> desc tim3
Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- COL1 NUMBER COL2 VARCHAR2(100)
SQL> alter table tim3 modify (col2 not null);
Table altered.
SQL> desc tim3
Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- COL1 NUMBER COL2 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(100)
SQL> Mark Richard wrote:
>Hi List,
>I have stumbled across a problem and I am hoping there is an easy
>I have to add two columns to an existing table. One of these columns is
>populated with a constant value for all existing records and the other can
>be determined using a simple DECODE on other existing columns.
>The table is quite large (~100 million records) and I was hoping to
>the activity with a rebuild into a new tablespace at the same time.
>Therefore, I figure the quickest way to achieve this is a simple "create
>table as select" type statement.
>My problem is specifying the datatypes, and in particular the NOT NULL
>state of the newly added columns. Working on Oracle I get an
>if I try something like "create table my_dual (the_col varchar2(10) not
>null) as select * from dual" - I cannot specify datatypes when using an
>select..." clause it seems.
>I realise I can name the new columns using column aliasing in the select
>clause, but I am struggling to get the length of the data type and the NOT
>NULL attribute set on the new columns.
>What is the best way to resolve this problem? Is there some syntax I am
>missing or do I absolutely need to create structure and then insert data?
>Thanks in advance,
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