I believe you can rename OMFs.
I just don't like those names with a mix of upper and lower case, the embedded tablespace name, if
long, gets truncated. It's just a bit of pain using the file name when one has to recover the
datafile. With our standard naming conventions it is pretty simple...
..... but now one can also argue how often one has to recover.. and the story continues.. :)
So it depends..
However, it is great feature for building test/throw away databases, particularly when playing
around with new releases and such..
- Kirti
- Pete Sharman <peter.sharman_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> Um, yes, I suppose so, but why would you want to? The whole point of OMF is around lowering the
> management requirements, and renaming the files just ups the management cost again.
> I haven't actually tried renaming an OMF file, so it may not even work.
> Pete
> "Controlling developers is like herding cats."
> Kevin Loney, Oracle DBA Handbook
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.org [mailto:oracle-l-bounce_at_freelists.org] On Behalf Of
> Kirtikumar Deshpande
> Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 6:52 AM
> To: oracle-l_at_freelists.org
> Subject: RE: omf and maintaining naming conventions
> Ah.. but again, one can always rename those... Right?
> The 'drop...' does work. With OMF and non-OMF files.
> - Kirti
> --- "Koivu, Lisa" <Lisa.Koivu_at_Cendant-TRG.com> wrote:
> > No. OMF does not let you name datafiles. If you read the
> > documentation, it states that it assigns a guaranteed unique name to the
> > datafile.
> >
> > Does 'drop tablespace including contents and datafiles' not work? I use
> > OMF but I'm beginning to think it's a pain in the a$$.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ryan.gaffuri_at_cox.net [mailto:ryan.gaffuri_at_cox.net]
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 2:41 PM
> > To: oracle-l_at_freelists.org
> > Subject: omf and maintaining naming conventions
> >
> > We have strict naming conventions for our datafiles. I want to use OMF
> > for two reasons
> >
> > 1. pointer to one location for our datafiles
> > 2. so when I drop tablespaces, the OS file gets dropped.
> >
> > Im hoping to be able to do this, but its not using the
> > db_file_create_dest parameter
> >
> > create tablespace mytablespace 'mytablespace.dbf' size 5m;
> >
> > anyway to do this?
> >
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Received on Tue Feb 24 2004 - 15:03:17 CST