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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: RE: Slightly OT: Java in the DB
Somewhere I read that using bind variables defeats SQL injection. Can anyone
confirm that? It sure sounded simpler than all the testing that is required
otherwise. And bind variables are good for your performance to boot.
Dennis Williams
Lifetouch, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cary Millsap []
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:44 AM
Subject: RE: RE: Slightly OT: Java in the DB
Can someone type the following response into your form's field?
fake-password' OR 'x'='x
That's an example of SQL injection. Type "sql injection" to google, and you'll get several thousand more examples.
Cary Millsap
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd. <>
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-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: RE: Slightly OT: Java in the DB
No...each user has to enter their own old password into a
field on the web form, then enter their new password. If
the old password is incorrect, the process *should* throw
an error.
The only way Bob could change Susan's password is if he
knows the old one. That never happens, does it? ;)
But that does give me the idea of an administrator-type
function to change another user's password, similar to
a DBA's use of 'alter user...'.
And I know I am displaying my ignorance here, but what is
'SQL Injection'?
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 5:52 PM
Subject: RE: Slightly OT: Java in the DB
I'm not a security expert, but it seems to me there are some exploits you would need to take into consideration.
SQL Injection comes to mind.
Also, if 2+ users have expired passwords, do you have a mechanism to prevent user Bob (with an expired account ) from changing Susans password ( also expired ) ?
Are the passwords generated and then mailed to the correct user?
"Vergara, Michael (TEM)" <> Sent by:
02/23/2004 03:20 PM
Please respond to oracle-l
To: <> cc: Subject: RE: Slightly OT: Java in the DB
Ahhh...but that's the trick! The user's only authentication is to the admin database. Once the user clicks on 'Submit' I was intending to hand it off to a PL/SQL module owned by an admin user. The 'real' user never sees that part.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 3:09 PM
Subject: RE: Slightly OT: Java in the DB
Creating an app that allows users to connect to the database as a DBA to change a passwords sounds like it have good potential for security holes.
You sure you want to do this?
How often does a user with an expired account really need to do this?
"Vergara, Michael (TEM)" <> Sent by:
02/23/2004 01:11 PM
Please respond to oracle-l
To: <> cc: Subject: RE: Slightly OT: Java in the DB
What I am trying to do seems so simple that I still cannot believe I'm not done yet!
I want to build a web page where a 'normal' (non-privileged) user can go, enter his/her login, see a list of the DB's where he/she has an account, enter a new password, click a checkbox (or -boxes), and have the web page call a <Choose- -utility-here> routine to go out and update the user's password on the selected DBs.
I can do everything except get the DB update to work.
There's no daemon. This is intended to be an on-demand utility. There's a central server/instance that has definitions to all the DBs in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. From this DB I harvest the user logins nightly, to build the list to present to the user. I *know* I can connect, although to do the harvest I create a temporary database link, instead of using Java or whatever.
It's the silly step of changing the password. The problem is that the user may wait until after the p/w has expired, so they cannot log in. I found the OCINewPassword routine will do a password change even on a expired login. But ARG! This is the second (or is it third) method I've tried and they have all had one kind of issue or another.
Any more suggestions?
-----Original Message-----
From: Mladen Gogala []
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: Slightly OT: Java in the DB
Exactly what are you trying to do? For having a daemon (or demon,
for that matter) lurking in the darnkness of the central server and
resetting expired passwords, the daemon needs to maintain a permanent
connection with sufficient privileges to change any user's password,
typically, a dba connection. If your DBA doesn't use profiles, with
the idle time limitation, you can have a permanently connected process
which would change password as soon as it was signalled to him. The
question is: what would the password be changed to? There are strings
which are extremely hard tu guess (username, "qwerty", "password", "tiger")
and which would make your username secure. At one of my places of
work, I've witnessed the following story: a tech support expert leaves
a unix worsktation logged in, as root, and goes home at 6 PM, when cleaning
ladies entered the office. One of the cleaning ladies had a 14 years old
son which wanted to check the old joke with "rm -rf /". He found out
that it really does destroy everything on a unix system. Now, you are
your password expires at 7 P.M. and there is an eager help desk person who
wants to test "drop tablescpace FIN_DATA including contents and datafiles
cascade constraints" that he or she has seen written somewhere. I'll leave
the rest of the story to you.
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