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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: ora-12500 on windows
Hi Dennis,=20
I tried pushing back. The answer I get from the architect is that "the database should be able to handle it." OK, fine. Honestly, why shouldn't Oracle be able to handle a bunch of connections all firing at once? It should be able to queue up connections and handle them without just erroring out. I guess on this point I agree with him. We have some tweaking to do.
In addition, we aren't the only ones using the Informatica server. We could further limit the number of concurrent connections on the Informatica server, but then we affect other applications. Can't go there.
Here's a good laugh for you: He's going to try to construct a data mart through views on the data vault, using very complex date-sensitive joins and lots of CASE statements. I smiled, challenged him to do so, and told him if he complains about performance the first word out of my mouth will be "materialized views." =20
It's just another day when I am reminded of how much I have yet to learn. But hey, if I didn't have anything to learn, I would be bored out of my monkey skull.=20
Btw: Heard you have record amounts of snow up there. Must be some pretty good skiing and fishtailing (if you call a hill skiing).
Have a great day, Dennis!
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:25 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: ora-12500 on windows
Maybe I'm a little simple, but in this situation I would be pressing
vendor (Informatica) for a solution. Taking the point of view that "your
application has a problem". They may well have a solution or a
After all, they've been around awhile. Just a thought from a simple mind
that hates to solve problems others have already solved.
Dennis Williams
Lifetouch, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Koivu, Lisa []
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:13 PM
Subject: RE: ora-12500 on windows
Hello Jeffrey,=3D20
I'm feeling your pain, like you wouldn't believe.=3D20
I think it's note 225349.1
My problem that is resulting in ora-12500's is many, many connections being fired at one time. Informatica fires in the neighborhood of 300 connections all at the same time, the exact same second. I have tried adding multiple listeners, adding the QUEUESIZE parameter, all to no avail. I had to reduce the sga size to stop the errors. =3D20
To make this more interesting, I am guaranteed that in the future there will be several hundred more concurrent connections added to what I'm dealing with now. =3D20
Can anyone comment - can MTS help in my situation? I've never used it.
Any comments or suggestions are welcome.
Lisa Monkey
Orlando, FL, USA=3D20
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Beckstrom []=3D20
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: ora-12500 on windows
we are w2k AS. Do you know the metalink note for large memory support?
>>> 2/18/04 11:11:20 AM >>>
--- Jeffrey Beckstrom <> wrote:
> mem usage
familiar territory.
on win32, the process memory limit is between 1.7 and 1.8 GB of virtual memory. what version of operating system is the server running?
if it is w2k server, you're stuck. you must reduce
either the SGA or PGA memory allocations in order to
stay under the process limit.
if it is w2k advanced server, you can enable large
memory support, and carry up to a 3*10E9 (convert to
power of 2) memory allocated to a process.
if is is w2k3 server, you can enable large memory
certain versions of Oracle on win32 support large
memory, and some don't. does. and do not.
to reduce memory allocations, you might:
- check v$sgastat for free memory, and reduce the size
of the shared, large and java pools.
- reduce the buffer cache
- reduce sort_area_size, hash_area_size
> I would suspect they should be close to each other
> since currently mem usage is 1.1 g and vm size is
> 1.2 g.
> >>> 2/18/04 9:17:39 AM >>>
>=3D20 >=3D20> >
> > Swap space is set to max of 4 G
> > commit charge peak is 2.4 G
> > commit charge limit is 5.8 G
> > We should be well under the limits
> >
> > Jeffrey Beckstrom
> > Database Administrator
> > Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
> > 1240 W. 6th Street
> > Cleveland, Ohio 44113
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