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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Rebuild Indexes
Thanks for the pointer. We have to start collecting STATSPACK data, as
this is the first time we are doing this exercise for this customer.
John Kanagaraj wrote:
>If you are collecting (and storing) STATSPACK data, you might want to
>baseline V$SYSSTAT values and look for spurts in 'leaf node splits' after
>John Kanagaraj <><
>DB Soft Inc
>Phone: 408-970-7002 (W)
>Disappointment is inevitable, but Discouragement is optional!
>** The opinions and facts contained in this message are entirely mine and do
>not reflect those of my employer or customers **
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[] On Behalf Of vidya kalyanaraman
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 8:10 PM
>>Subject: Re: Rebuild Indexes
>>At times, it becomes really very very difficult to make the customer
>>accept and understand the fact that the rebuilding is not
>>going to be of
>>any great help regarding performance. They have also read some
>>documents/whitepapaers, which claim that the performance
>>improvement is
>>great after rebuild.
>>How to handle situations like this?
>>What we have decided to do is, take some couple of harmless
>>indexes and
>>then try to rebuild them. This is just to keep the customer happy.
>>Any thoughts on this?
>>Thanks and Regards
>>> In the Dec 2001 edition of the Student Guide, that
>>statement appears on
>>>page 14-12. I think the paragraph preceding the one you
>>quoted sets the
>>>context for the statement a bit:
>>>How to Solve B-Tree Index Performance Degradation
>>>The more levels an index has, the less efficient it may be.
>>Additionally, an
>>>index with many rows deleted might not be efficient.
>>Typically, if 15% of
>>>the index data is deleted, then you should consider
>>rebuilding the index.
>>>You should rebuild your indexes regularly. However, this can be a
>>>time-consuming task, especially if the base table is very
>>large . . . the
>>>paragraph then goes on to describe the index rebuilding options.
>>>Juan - If you search the archive for this list, you will find
>>where the
>>>topic of rebuilding indexes has been discussed many times.
>>This should give
>>>you some more background on the issue. Second, while the
>>Student Guides are
>>>great for helping pass the OCP, they are primarily oriented
>>toward people
>>>new to Oracle. As you become more experienced in Oracle, you
>>should dig
>>>deeper, particularly on vague topics like "when to rebuild
>>indexes". Third,
>>>while the sentence in the Student Guide does say "rebuild your indexes
>>>regularly", the context of the statement is really discussing all the
>>>wonderful new Oracle9i features that make rebuilding indexes
>>a less onerous
>>>Dennis Williams
>>>Lifetouch, Inc.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Juan Miranda []
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 7:24 AM
>>>Subject: RE: Rebuild Indexes
>>>Oracle 9i Performance Tuning
>>>Student Guide Vol1.
>>>July 2001
>>>12- Application tuning
>>> 12-11 bitmap indexes.
>>>Juan Miranda
>>>Oracle Certified Professional.
>>>-----Mensaje original-----
>>[] En
>>>nombre de Niall Litchfield
>>>Enviado el: martes, 17 de febrero de 2004 13:20
>>>Asunto: RE: Rebuild Indexes
>>>Hi Juan
>>>I couldn't actually find your quote in the Performance Tuning
>>Guide for 8.1=
>>>.7, 9.2 or 10.1. Is it perhaps some other book?=20
>>>Niall Litchfield
>>>Oracle DBA
>>>Audit Commission
>>>+44 117 975 7805=20
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>Sent: 17 February 2004 10:41
>>>>Subject: RE: Rebuild Indexes
>>>>May script do just original post (vidya kalyanaraman) as for.
>>>>No more.=20
>>>>May be is not adecuate for your system.=20
>>>>Anyway you can stop it when you want: a simple CTRL+C.
>>>>In my mail I say:=20
>>>>"Take care in production because VALIDATE STRUCTURE do some=20
>>>>tipe of lock."
>>>>I have a very busy database and I execute this script very=20
>>>>care and control.
>>>>I do it once a year and this reduced to 1/3 the space ocupied=20
>>>>by indexes.
>>>>I will no discuss if it is good or not to rebuild indexes but...
>>>>Oracle Performance Tuning Manual 12-12:
>>>>"You sould rebuild your indexes regularly. However, this can be a
>>>>time-consuming task, especially if the base table es very large."
>>>>Sorry if it caused problems in your system but ask Oracle
>>for a better
>>>>rebuild method, not me.
>>>>I forgot to add an "alter session set
>>SORT_AREA_SIZE=3D25000000;". This=
>>>>do it faster.
>>>>-----Mensaje original-----
>>>>[] En
>>>>nombre de Richard Foote
>>>>Enviado el: viernes, 13 de febrero de 2004 14:59
>>>>Asunto: Re: Rebuild Indexes
>>>>When to rebuild indexes, hummm, this is all rather new and
>>exciting ;)
>>>>Juan, I notice with interest that your script:
>>>> - performs an analyze validate structure on all indexes
>>>> - rebuilds all indexes if guilty of having more than 2 levels
>>>> - rebuilds all indexes with more than 10% deleted rows
>>>>Running such a script on our production databases at my=20
>>>>current site would:
>>>> - cripple performance for up to approximately 14 hours=20
>>>>(depending on
>>>>database) performing just the analyze step
>>>> - rebuild every single one of our larger, 3+ level=20
>>>>indexes (don't want
>>>>to think about the cost of this)
>>>>for practically *no* benefit.
>>>>The 3+ criteria does "accidentally" rebuild the handful we've=20
>>>>identified as
>>>>being candidates for an occasional rebuild but boy, what an=20
>>>>incredible price
>>>>to pay !!
>>>>I think not ...
>>>>Richard Foote
>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>From: "Juan Miranda" <>
>>>>To: <>
>>>>Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 7:14 PM
>>>>Subject: RE: Rebuild Indexes
>>>>Try this.
>>>>This do not use a cursor so you can stop it when you what.
>>>>Take care in production because VALIDATE STRUCTURE do some=20
>>>>tipe of lock.
>>>>-- Juan Miranda Serm=3DE1tica 06/AGO/2002
>>>>-- Utiliza VALIDATE STRUCTURE -> OJO en producci=3DF3n.
>>Puede generar =3D
>>>>-- OJO nolog -> NO usar con stand by
>>>>set serveroutput on size 1000000
>>>>set pagesize 0
>>>>set feedback off
>>>>set echo off
>>>>set trimspool on
>>>>spool c:\reb_index1.sql
>>>> dbname varchar2(20);
>>>> wday varchar2(11);
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('set echo off');
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('set feedback off');
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('set head off');
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('spool c:\reb_index2.sql');
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('prompt set feedback on');
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('prompt set echo on');
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('prompt spool c:\reb_index2.log');
>>>> FOR t IN (select owner, index_name from dba_indexes where=20
>>>>owner not =3D
>>>>('SYS','SYSTEM') order by owner,index_name) LOOP
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('prompt --Analizando
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('Analyze index=20
>>>>validate structure;');
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('select ' || '''' || 'Alter index '=20
>>>>|| t.owner =3D
>>>>'.' || t.index_name || ' rebuild online;' || ''''|| ' from=20
>>>>index_stats =3D
>>>>(height > 2) or
>>>> END LOOP;
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('prompt spool off');
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('spool off');
>>>> dbms_output.put_line('@c:\reb_index2.sql');
>>>>spool off
>>>>-----Mensaje original-----
>>>>[] =3D
>>>>nombre de vidya kalyanaraman
>>>>Enviado el: viernes, 13 de febrero de 2004 9:46
>>>>Asunto: Rebuild Indexes=3D20
>>>>It may be a silly thing to ask, but I am stuck right now.=3D20
>>>>I have been given a task to find out the indexes which need
>>to be=3D20
>>>>rebuilt. There are around 3000 Indexes. I know I can run=20
>>>>the following =3D
>>>>"analyze index <Index> VALIDATE STRUCTURE " =3D20
>>>>for a single index and then find the rows from index_state=20
>>>>based on=3D20
>>>>del_lf_rows_len/lf_rows_len > 20%. =3D20
>>>>Does anyone have a script for dynamically finding out the=20
>>>>indexes that=3D20
>>>>are the candidates for rebuilding? How do you normally handle=3D20
>>>>situations like this?
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