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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: new sql tuning book
Yo Niall et al,
You're fired, of course :-).
I use for this list, thereby keeping it separate from my "normal"
While MNO of course stands for Mogens NOrgaard, MLN happens to stand for Mogens Langballe Nørgaard. This middle name requires a bit of teaching of Danish:
"Lang" means long. Balle means cheek. Not the cheek right beside your teeth, mind you. It's the cheek (of which there are actually two) at the end of ones back.
Man, did the kids (and the teachers, for that matter) tease me at school with this middle name. Well, only every day. Not every minute. So it wasn't really a problem.
Where did it come from? Ah, that's a good story, which my mother told me a short time before she died:
In the town of Langballe in Jutland, there lived two families side by side. Both had Jensen as their last name.
One of them was my mother's great-grandfather, a man who was very touchy about his reputation (that's probably where I inherited it from...). The other Jensen was a man who was always in trouble money-wise.
Many of the threatening letters to Jensen-without-any-money, though, ended up being delivered to my great-grand-grandfather by mistake. He was not amused.
So he changed his name from Niels Jensen to Niels Langballe Jensen. In Jutland, many towns are called something with "balle", and they don't laugh at you if you're called for instance Bredballe ("Bred" means "Wide" or "Broad").
My mother was always very proud of her middle name. My brother and I hate it to this day, and we always did. To my mother's great sorrow we refused to let our children bear that middle name.
Now you know.
PS: One of the nastiest politicians we have currently in the Danish parliament is called Jesper Langballe. He's a priest, a racist of the worst kind, and he's NOT a relative of mine.
Niall Litchfield wrote:
>Apologies to all, and especially Mogens, this was intended to be offlist
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Sent: 09 February 2004 10:22
>>To:; Niall Litchfield
>>Subject: RE: new sql tuning book
>>Hi Mogens
>>I'd definitely be interested.=3D20
>>BTW I thought you were
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>Sent: 09 February 2004 08:10
>>>Subject: Re: new sql tuning book
>>>Is he using the Throw-Away Method (TAM) pioneered by Martin=20
>>Berg of=3D20
>>>Oracle? Martin wrote a 50-page note about it. Let me know if=3D20
>>>anybody on=3D20
>>>the list wants it. Can't attach it here, of course. It's a=20
>>very, very=3D20
>>>smart way of handling it, and it's based on row counts.
>>>Pete Finnigan wrote:
>>>>I bought this book recently when i saw it in Borders in=20
>>York after i
>>>>heard about it here and thought it sounded like an=3D20
>>>interesting idea. I
>>>>have not read it yet (like others here..:-) but i have=3D20
>>>skimmed parts of
>>>>it and read the appendix that summarises the technique=20
>>with a worked
>>>>example. I like the idea. It seems like its a sort of manual=3D20
>>>cost based
>>>>optimizing technique?
>>>>good book though, i suspect very worth reading.
>>>>kind regards
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