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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Academic ERDs vs. Professional ERDs
I've always thought that ERWin was far superior to Rational Rose and it =
would be my choice if I did nothing but data modeling. I've changed my =
mind since Designer 6i came out. With Oracle Software Configuration =
Management (SCM), I now can version Repository objects like entities. = That means that I can have a record of the evolution of an entity over = time for the various software releases. With Rational Rose, I believe = you can version the whole application or make a copy of it and nothing =more. It's really quite a revolutionary idea to be able to version one = object in a Repository separate from all the others.
Most of us use data models to document requirements and understand = the business rules for applications that actually get implemented. We = get about a 95% solution with our models using Designer. It lacks a bit = when it comes to non data related business rules. That's why we have = seen the rise of business rules repositories.
I need lots of other tools for development. That's why I like a = full CASE Tool development package like Designer. It's got all the = wizards and table APIs that expedite development. They are very cost = effective. Where there are weaknesses in any tool, say a PL/SQL code = writer, we supplement it with tools like TOAD and SQL*Navigator.
> Maggie Tompkins - CAD SQA
> Corporate Applications Division
> Technology Services Organization - Kansas City
> Defense Finance and Accounting Service
> 816-926-1117 (DSN 465);
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of nelson flores
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 9:26 PM
Subject: RE: Academic ERDs vs. Professional ERDs
The link that you point out still uses (very aptly for this list) the
standard Oracle notation. In general (and I use that term loosely),
common practice in a developers world (at least in mine) is still based
upon the usage of this notation to model data. UML is still a little
cumbersome to express what the data is supposed to represent (business
rules and such).
As tools go, Rational Rose is probably the best modeling tool I have used, although I haven't used it since Uni.
Just my 2c...
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jared Still
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 9:25 AM
To: Oracle-L Freelists
Subject: RE: Academic ERDs vs. Professional ERDs
But of course, there is after all only one data model required;
Everything else is fluff.
On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 20:16, TOMPKINS, MARGARET wrote:
> Just a guess but some of that may have come out of mathematical set =
> theory, sometimes called relational set theory. That at least dates =
> back to Venn diagrams.
> I have worked with groups that do nothing but data modeling either
in =3D
> tools like Designer or ERWin. They don't model to define requirements
> to be implemented. They data model - period. The biggest difference
> that I've seen in those and the "real" ones is an overuse of entity =
> subtyping. Entities that have eight levels of subtyping are beyond my
> comprehension. Maybe it's good that they don't get implemented.
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