having checked the Celtic Tavern's website
(http://www.celtictavern.com/) and the list of beers, single malts and
bourbons, I will follow you anywhere as long as it leads to the Celtic
I'm a sucker for fireplaces anyway :)
- Tim Gorman <tim_at_sagelogix.com> wrote:
> Some of my personal favorite places to drink in Denver:
> * Wynkoop's: biggest, best, and first brewpub in Colorado.
> Usually
> has about 10-12 different types of beer brewed
> onsite
> available on any given day or night. Damn good
> food,
> too. Best of all are the 15 beautiful billiards
> tables upstairs. Located at the corner of 18th and
> Wynkoop St, about 20 mins stagger from the
> Convention Center where the conference is held...
> * Celtic Tavern: damn fine Irish pub just a block from
> Wynkoop's.
> Good food, Murphy's stout (not a Guinness shop),
> single-malts, and a nice room in the back with a
> fireplace, sofas, and some overstuffed leather
> chairs...
> I'd be honored and delighted to lead the goddess and her groupies to
> the
> Murphy's stouts and Glenmorangie 12-yr-olds at the Celtic Tavern. I
> can
> navigate to it with my eyes closed, as I'm prone to do anyway. If
> for some
> reason it turns out to be too crowded or otherwise unsuitable, we can
> stagger a few steps over to the Wynkoops or any of a half-dozen other
> bars
> within a block or two...
> Just to put a stick in the sand, let's say the Celtic Tavern (at the
> corner
> of 18th St and Blake St in the LoDo section of downtown Denver) at
> 8:00pm on
> Wednesday???
> Slainte!
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Received on Sat Feb 07 2004 - 05:38:54 CST