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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Tkprof ouput -- Query on times waited/max waited/total waited
Hi Cary,
Very Glad to see your reply. Thank you so much for enlightening us.
Best Regards
Sriram Kumar
-----Original Message-----
From: Cary Millsap []=20
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 7:57 PM
Subject: RE: Tkprof ouput -- Query on times waited/max waited/total =
Responses in-line.
Cary Millsap
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
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-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of =
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 4:39 AM
Subject: Tkprof ouput -- Query on times waited/max waited/total waited
Importance: High
Hi Gurus,
I was analyzing the output of 10046 event of a single session. Myself and my fellow coleage differ in the interpretation of the output = statistics.
Question 1
The output Reads
Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
Event waited on Times Max. Wait TotalWaited
My Understanding of this output is=3D20
Times waited -- Number of times this event has waited. Here the user = might have entered 7 statements hence it says number of times waited as = 6
[Cary Millsap] Close. It means that there were six occasions when the db = server was awaiting input from the client. It probably means that there = were about six dbcalls, but even this can vary because of call bundling, = pre-fetching, and so on.
Max Waited -- Maximum duration of wait (Out of the 6 times it has = waited)
[Cary Millsap] Yes. You can confirm this by checking the raw trace data.
Total Waited -- Total Waiting time ( sigma of 6 wait times )
[Cary Millsap] Yes. Again, this is easy to confirm by examining the = input data to tkprof.
Pls confirm whether my understanding is correct.
Question 2
Say I turn on the SQL tracing at 12.00 and the session is idle till 1.00 = and a single SQL statement is executed at 1.00.
Now if I analyze the ouput.
My undestanding is that, this 1 hour would be accounted in the "SQL*Net = message from client" . Is my understanding correct??
[Cary Millsap] Yes. This is what I call in Jeff's and my book = "collection error." You probably don't need to optimize that hour, so = you shouldn't collect timing data for that hour.
Best Regards
Sriram Kumar
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