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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: why would enable constraint cause a delete to wait on library cache lock?
You should first enable novalidate the constraint and then run enable
This way Oracle knows that any *new* DML can't "invalidate" data and can
calmly scan through the table without locking it, to see whether the rest of
the data is valid as well.
Another reason for blocking locks that I can think of, is when enabling primary/unique key constraints and you don't have an index to support it. Then it even doesn't matter whether you're enabling validate or novalidate. One should build an index with online option first in order to reduce lock holding times.
> I am only an egg, so I hope someone else can explain this to me.
> Oracle Enterprise Edition on Windows 2000
> I was experimenting to see if an "alter table enable validate constraint"
would cause DML statements to wait. I thought it wouldn't. But in real life
I see something different.
> I have a table X (object_id 429995) with about 100 million rows. In one
session (sid 15) I enable a check constraint, and in another session (sid
14) I simultaneously delete a few rows from the table. The delete "waits" on
the enable constraint to complete, and it's waiting on a library cache lock.
Why would that be? At the end of this e-mail you can see the contents of
DBA_LOCKS, V$LOCKED_OBJECT, V$SESSION_WAIT. I read the system state dump and
I still don't understand why there would be a library cache lock.
> Session ID 15
> --- sid-15-SQL1
> alter table hes_a_keeper.many_rows add
> (constraint ck1 check (dummy_column > 'B') disable) ;
> --- sid-15-SQL2 (simultaneous with sid-14-SQL1)
> alter table hes_a_keeper.many_rows enable validate constraint ck1 ;
> Session ID 14
> --- sid-14-SQL1 (simultaneous with sid-15-SQL2)
> delete from hes_a_keeper.many_rows where rownum < 10 ;
> Session ID 10
> --- statements issued while sid-14-SQL1 and sid-15-SQL2 are running
> alter session set events 'immediate trace name systemstate level 10' ;
> select * from dba_locks where session_id in (14,15) ;
> select * from v$locked_object where object_id = 429995 ;
> select * from v$session_wait where sid in (14,15) ;
> SQL> select * from dba_locks where session_id in (14,15) ;
> ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------------------
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