>From past history:
I passed the 8 and 8i exams without having done any work in either
version, nor did I study for them. I used Jonathan's method of using
later questions to infer the answer to earlier ones, in part. Marlene
Theriault, an excellent DBA, took several tries to pass because she
knew the correct answers and therefore was usually wrong in the
expected answer. :)
- Cary Millsap <cary.millsap_at_hotsos.com> wrote:
> My question, Richard, is can a person pass the exam just by studying
> what is correct? Or is it necessary to work harder to acquire some
> "veneer of false knowledge" specifically in order to pass the exam?
> Cary Millsap
> Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
> http://www.hotsos.com
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> -----Original Message-----
> Prem Khanna J
> Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:39 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Hi Richard ,
> Many a thanx for both of your replies .
> All my worry is : do such questions appear in the real exams also ?
> And your reply has increased my self-confidence.
> particularly the line :
> <RF>Trust what you *see*, not what you *read*. </RF>
> <RF>You actually proven this yourself and yet you still have doubts?
> </RF>
> yes Richard : (
> hope i will not repeat this as time goes and my experience grows.
> i.e., i will be more confident with my answers .
> okay , coming back to the sizing of temp tablespace question .
> if suppose , such a question appears in the exam too ( my bad luck )
> ,
> what will be your two best answers ?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Prem.
> --
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> Author: Prem Khanna J
> INET: jprem_at_kssnet.co.jp
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> Author: Cary Millsap
> INET: cary.millsap_at_hotsos.com
> Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 http://www.fatcity.com
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Received on Wed Jan 07 2004 - 10:54:33 CST