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You can get a list if tables from the test database and compare it
with a list of tables from the production database. Just select
table_name from dba_tables where owner not = system or sys and that will
give you all of the application tables in the database.
>>> 12/30/2003 12:29:40 PM >>> Ron,
I like this idea. Although, I am not really concerned about userid's
environmentals, truncating test tables and importing the new data in
looks like it would be faster than deleting the entire test database
then recreating it. But how would I know what tables to truncate?
Julio Cesar Quijada-Reina
Programmer Analyst
Computer Services at Alfred State College
-----Original Message-----
Ron Rogers
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 12:09 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
If you need to keep the userid's and other environmentals, I would
create a script that truncates the tables and then import the data to
populate them with the new data. The export can be controlled with a
file and the import can be part of the truncate script.
>>> 12/30/2003 11:54:32 AM >>> Hi All,
I have two databases of small size running on a Win2k Server. One is
production and the second one test. I would like to delete the test
database in an automated way (run a script say every weekend), then
recreate it so that I have a fresh database to work with or to import
prod data into. I have the scripts for database creation part done.
I was wondering if there were any sample scripts for deleting a
without user interaction or at least know what steps I should follow.
Has anybody done this on his or her environment?
Your help will be appreciated!
Julio Cesar Quijada-Reina
Programmer Analyst
Computer Services at Alfred State College
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: QuijadaReina, Julio C
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