I think so. Most of our Web apps are written in Java, Java script, and Perl. Some minor web stuff is generated by PL/SQL.
Viktor, Ryan - Is what you are experiencing the result of companies moving
to open-systems Web-based architectures?
Dennis Williams
Lifetouch, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 8:34 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I agree with Ryan. Pure Oracle jobs aren't hot as they used to be. We are
going through this right now. They are planning to bring in a bunch of new
developers and splitting a few DBA's into dev. groups, which means we'll
become more like software engineers (who can also do DBA stuff). There will
be only one Prod. DBA for a zillion systems.
They're driving in the direction of bringing in more cross-trained people.
They want all-aroind people who know Perl, Java, Oracle etc. The motto has
been: "If you get hit by a bus,!
can do it". The more you know, the
better. Cross-training all the way. It's like that all-in-one
fax/printer/copier thing.
And at the same time, the paycheck isn't as it had been either.
ryan_oracle@cox.net wrote:
my biggest concern is the model for development has been changed. The model
now is do most development with software engineers and have only a small
number of database people. this means less pure oracle jobs.
> Date: 2003/12/18 Thu PM 02:59:26 EST
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: RE: RE: Career Advice
> Ryan - Excellent points. I well know the feeling of being tied to Oracle's
> future. As to Oracle pricing itself out of the market, I would like to
> three points:
> - Pricing is one of the quickest things a vendor can change once it
> becomes convinced this is hurting it. On the ot!
her hand,
I've seen
> vendors that stopped investing in new development. They aren't in business
> anymore! because you can't quickly change that decision.
> - Oracle being perceived as high priced tends to increase our salaries. A
> company spends a lot of money on Oracle, so they want it used to good
> advantage. The salary surveys I've seen show MS SQL Server DBA with lower
> salaries on the average.
> - Has anyone seen salary survey results for MySQL or PostgreSQL? The
> database is free, so how much should a company spend on a DBA?
> Dennis Williams
> Lifetouch, Inc.
> dwilliams@lifetouch.com
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 1:19 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> your goals should tie into the job market. you might absolutely love
> programming, but I dont recommend stu!
dying it.
> Right now(and I dont know how it will fluctuate), there is far, far, far
> more demand for Software Engineers who specialize in Java or .Net. Far,
> far, more than people who specialize in the Oracle database. I think there
> has been a fundamental shift in database development. In the past you
> hire mostly Oracle specialized people to do most of your development. They
> would use forms or powerbuilder to do your GUIs.
> These days, a growing number of teams hire a large number of java or .Net
> experts and only a handful of database people. is this the best way to go?
> dont know. I do see a trend though. How long will the trend last? I do not
> know.
> The biggest problem for IT workers is that we are so tied to one specific
> skillset and vendor. If Oracle prices themselves out of the market, our
> skills become far less valued. Employees to!
day want
super specialized
> skillsets. If you have them and they are hot, your set, but they wont be
> forever and i! ts very hard to switch since people want experience in the
> specific skillset before hiring you.
> >
> > From: "Thater, William"
> > Date: 2003/12/18 Thu PM 01:44:37 EST
> > To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> > Subject: RE: Career Advice
> >
> > DENNIS WILLIAMS scribbled on the wall in glitter crayon:
> >
> > > Saira
> > > I think you have to decide what your goal is. Then you need to
> > > decide how to best accomplish that goal. One tool that can lead you
> > > toward a goal is self-study. I have used that tool many times myself.
> > > However, with experience you learn the self-study tool has its
> > > limits. To consider self-study, consider the following questions:
> > &g!
> > > 1. Is this an area that I can gain significant knowledge with a
> > > reasonable amount of effort? For example, are there good books
> > > available? Is the area well-defined enough for self-study?
> > > 2. Since I'm trying to substitute self-effort for work experience, is
> > > this an area where there are few people with real work experience?
> > > 3. Are there credentials that can be earned?
> >
> > i'd like to add one more...
> > 4. is this something where getting it right will still give you a charge
> > after doing it for 10 years or more?
> >
> > [and yes DBA and programming still do for me. but i'm finding the
> > of being allowed to do it right are becoming few and far between.]
> >
> > --
> > Bill "Shrek" Thater ORACLE DBA
> > "I'm going to work my ticket if I can..." -- Gil!
> > william.thater@carrier.utc.com
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. - Douglas Adams
> > --
> > Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: http://www.orafaq.net
> > --
> > Author: Thater, William
> > INET: William.Thater@carrier.utc.com
> >
> > Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 http://www.fatcity.com
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Received on Fri Dec 19 2003 - 10:34:26 CST