I'd look to the business side of things to get your foot in the door if
you want to work with some of the more well-known application
suites. While the specific knowledge of one application suite is
seldom easily transferred to another application, the requirements and
experience of the actual users of these applications are likely to be
similar regardless of which application suite they use. HR people
tend to want the same sort of information out of a HR application
regardless of what company's brand is on the software.
If I were a hiring manager, I'd be much more willing to take a risk on
someone who is unfamiliar with a particular package but whose
understanding of the business needs that application supports is
excellent than someone who has experience with a toy install of the
package that doesn't stand out on the business side. It's a lot
easier to find someone who has experience with a particular package than
someone who has useful business knowledge and enough technology
understanding to pick up the specifics.
Justin Cave
At 11:54 AM 12/17/2003, Saira Somani-Mendelin wrote:
I do agree with you, but it’s a silly world out there.
You can’t get a job working with these packages without experience, and
you can’t get experience if you don’t work with these packages. So my
alternatives are few to none. Indeed, the Tecsys applications are
comparable to many complex applications in the market – so I think that
really works in my favour. But hiring managers want to see the big names
on your resume – it won’t matter that Tecsys is just as complex.
I guess the next step would be find a position where one of these other
applications is actually used.
Perhaps just getting familiar with one of these would help me get my foot
in the door.
Thanks Jared.
-----Original Message-----
From: ml-errors@fatcity.com
On Behalf Of Jared.Still@radisys.com
Sent: December 17, 2003 1:09 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Re: Career Advice
Your enthusiasm is admirable, but I think that it
would be extremely
difficult for you to learn any of these packages without
actually being
in an environment where they are used.
It may be that Tecsys is a complex set of apps on the same
as SAP or Oracle Apps, and if so, then maybe that background
would prepare you to tackle this on your own.
Either way, it will be difficult without access to official support, which
you won't have unless you're in a working environment that includes
the app you are attempting to learn.
You would also not have exposure to the people that are actually
using the stuff, which is pretty important for software that is directly
used by most of the user community, unlike a database.
"Saira Somani-Mendelin" <saira_somani@yahoo.com>
Sent by: ml-errors@fatcity.com
12/17/2003 09:44 AM
Please respond to ORACLE-L
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <ORACLE-L@fatcity.com>
Subject: Career Advice
As an applications analyst/junior dba, I feel I need to learn more but
I'm not sure of the direction I should take, so I'm asking for advice.
Should I become interested in Oracle Apps? Or should I learn another
suite like SAP or Siebel or PeopleSoft? The difficulty is that my
company does not use any of these. We use a smaller package by Tecsys
called Elite and they don't have as many customers - or should I say, as
many customers with deep pockets.
I know I can get my hands on a working copy of SAP, what about the
others? I believe you can purchase an evaluation copy of Apps from the
Oracle Store. Has anyone actually tried to train themselves on any of
these products? Has anyone installed Apps at home for testing?
Sorry if this question has been presented on the list before.
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: http://www.orafaq.net
Author: Saira Somani-Mendelin
INET: saira_somani@yahoo.com
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Author: Justin Cave
INET: jcave_at_cableone.net
Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 http://www.fatcity.com
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Received on Wed Dec 17 2003 - 13:19:27 CST