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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: RedHat Advanced Server v3.0, anyone?
----- Original Message -----From: Jared.Still@radisys.comSent: Monday, December 15, 2003 18:34Subject: RE: RedHat Advanced Server v3.0, anyone?
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I haven't been contacted by an Oracle attorney in a while now, and am
looking forward to mantaining the status quo.
Jared ( List Owner)
"Juan Miranda" <>
Sent by: ml-errors@fatcity.com12/15/2003 01:44 AM
Please respond to ORACLE-L
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
Subject: RE: RedHat Advanced Server v3.0, anyone?
I have a system with RH AS 2.1 in production and is very very fast and reliable.
The server is a Proliant with 8GB RAM and 2x Intel Xeon.
Oracle installation was easy, only take care if you have big memory.
Also remenber to update the kernel. The predetermined donīt let start database.
I tried RH AS 3 and Oracle installation and there are a lot of problems.
Itīs nearly almost essential to read this
Anyway I think RH is a good S.O.
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De: [] En nombre de Paul Drake
Enviado el: viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2003 23:24
Para: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Asunto: RedHat Advanced Server v3.0, anyone?
Has anyone kicked the tires on RH AS 3.0?
There is a strong possibility that in a migration early next year, that a client wants to move off of MS w2k adv svr and onto either RH AS or SLES (they are an HP (compaq) shop).
It seems like a bad idea to start them off on RH AS 2.1 now, when they likely won't take the system into production until after close of the first quarter.
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