I don't have any experience with Netbackup, just Legato, but there is a
utility called "sbttest" that may help in troubleshooting the
problem. Here's an example from something I wrote up a while
/ora01/V901$ sbttest osmtab01.dbf -dbname V901 -trace
The sbt function pointers are loaded from libobk.so library.
-- sbtinit succeeded
-- sbtinit (2nd time)
Note: This SBT library does not handle version 2.0 of SBT.
sbtinit: Media manager is version
sbtopen for output successful
sbtwrite successful, wrote 100 buffers
sbtclose successful after sbtwrite
sbtinfo successful
file osmtab01.dbf is on volume 520102
sbtopen for input successful
file was created by this program; seed=3079447437, bufsize=16384,
sbtread successful, read 100 buffers
sbtclose successful after sbtread
sbtremove successful
*** The SBT API test was successful ***
Andy Rivenes
At 12:34 PM 12/10/2003 -0800, you wrote:
Netbackup does indeed have to be linked to Oracle. I performed this
and it seemed to go well (no obvious error messages).
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: http://www.orafaq.net
Author: Andy Rivenes
INET: arivenes_at_llnl.gov
Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 http://www.fatcity.com
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Received on Wed Dec 10 2003 - 15:44:43 CST