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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: rebuilding indexes - sure to cause a ruckus
Ouch, I gotta take a day off to read this one ;)
> Hi Yong,
> Saying there are a "few" errors is being a little kind to Don's "Inside
> Oracle Indexing" article.
> In part, these are some of the issues I raised directly with Don in a
> of emails (warning somewhat on the longish side ;):
> a.. There are no such things as star indexes. Star joins, yes, star
> transformations yes, but not star indexes ?
> b.. I still disagree with your description of b-tree indexes being
> and difficult to understand, but then again this could just be my personal
> perception (check out
> where I have
> sample demo on how to investigate the workings of b-tree indexes.)
> by understanding them and a how they function, the question of whether or
> not they need rebuilding no longer needs to be debated. It becomes easily
> apparent under what conditions indexes could benefit from a rebuild. I'll
> expand on this later but I would suggest those that "debate", those that
> really don't know when a rebuild is justified and just rebuild in the hope
> it might do some good are those that really don't understand "how" indexes
> function. Knowledge is the key that unlocks the door of doubt and those
> without the key fumble aimlessly and prod around in hope...
> c.. Your subsequent quote "There is enough anecdotal evidence that index
> rebuilding has helped some systems perform better, and I also have no
> that there is no scientific basis for the claim" is a nonsense. Of course
> one explain in scientific terms such performance improvements, I can only
> suggest that you unfortunately can't. Oracle is not some magic piece of
> software and it doesn't run on some magical pieces of hardware. Any
> suggestions to the contrary are not helpful to anyone.
> d.. I still disagree with the double the block size, halving the logical
> reads must be a good thing argument. It's a path that could lead to a very
> disappointing conclusion (read cliff edge). Indexes prefer large block
> true but if the underlining storage file-system is not tuned to read (or
> write) these larger block sizes efficiently, then the whole thing is
> productive. You've been warned ...
> e.. Your description of PCTUSED is still wrong. There is no PCTUSED for
> indexes so it really shouldn't be misleading to confuse a non-existing
> attribute with the amount of used space as documented in INDEX_STATS...
> f.. Including in your criteria for rebuilding an index "btree_space
> greater than a block" is redundant when listed with the other criteria.
> is fundamentally impossible for an index with 4 levels or more to consist
> a single block, so why mention it. It just adds confusion and is silly.
> DBA who swears by this criteria (which I noticed has changed in this draft
> ;), how do they make such a claim? It's one thing to swear, it's quite
> another to prove. Your table that lists average rows and blocks per
> different index levels shows that those indexes with a leaf row length of
> 500,000,000 and with 100,000 blocks require 4 levels. How does rebuilding
> such indexes with no subsequent change in index level improve performance
> I mean, large indexes need more levels right, so rebuilding them all the
> time and keeping the levels unchanged only to rebuild them again because
> they're still 4 or more levels seems like a pointless, never-ending
> in futility. To rebuild an index that "actually" results in a reduction in
> it's level generally requires a "drastic" reduction in it's data volume
> to the orders of sizing magnitude that a new level represents. More on
> and the other so-called rebuild criteria later but the current level of an
> index is not a criteria for a rebuild. A level 3 index could conceivably
> rebuilt to just a level 1 (if there were heaps and heaps of deletions) and
> level 5 index could be rebuilt to stay at level 5. Which index has
> benefited .
> g.. Criteria for a rebuild: or the total length of deleted is > 1 block
> makes no sense whatsoever. Nearly all indexes would have a total length of
> deleted > than 1 block meaning nearly all indexes need rebuilding. I don't
> think so ...
> h.. Your discussion on the clustering factor affecting the likelihood of
> requiring an index rebuild is still flawed, however interestingly, you've
> now given an example on why this is the case. However, you've still come
> the wrong conclusion !! Firstly, you're incorrect in your example to say
> that a 1,000,000 row table with a clustering factor of 1,000,000 has it's
> rows in the same order as it's index although I guess this could be a
> Regardless, if you delete all last_name beginning with a K, you are going
> delete consecutive leaf nodes regardless of the clustering factor. So what
> difference does it make to the "index". None. To the table, yes, you
> delete rows from all differing blocks or rows from a small number of
> but to the index, it makes no difference, hence your claim makes no sense.
> think you've confused what the clustering factor of an index represents
> OK, your whole discussion of these two "camps", this whole concept of both
> being right, or wrong, or whatever, is pointless as it doesn't resolve
> anything. You mention that the "Academics" (a term I dislike) claim that
> "indexes rarely benefit from a rebuild" without discussing what academics
> mean by "rarely". Obviously they accept that index rebuilds are sometimes
> (rarely) beneficial, so what are these cases ? You mention that the
> pragmatic approach sometimes results in better performance and that index
> rebuilds are sometimes clearly beneficial. So obviously, they have a case.
> It seems obvious (to me anyway) that perhaps there's an overlap here, that
> perhaps "everyone" agrees that index rebuilds are beneficial. Maybe some
> have the "key" and know how to unlock the doors directly whiles others do
> bit more pocking around in the dark ?
> I think there are two fundamental questions/issues you've failed to
> - Why/when would an index require and benefit from a rebuild ?
> - How would one monitor that such a rebuild indeed has been beneficial
> Let me attempt to address these questions.
> Firstly, why would an index require a rebuild ? Answer, because the index
> currently inefficient and by rebuilding it, Oracle will "noticeably"
> it's performance to the point that the cost of rebuilding the thing is
> justified. It's all kinda simple really. So what is an "inefficient" index
> One that has so much "wasted" space, that by rebuilding and reclaiming
> space, would reduce the "cost" of accessing this index (or indeed Oracle
> could now choose to use the index in the first place) such that
> now "noticeably" improves. The key words here are "wasted", "cost" and
> "noticeably".
> So what is wasted space ? Well any space that is not currently used within
> the index structure is potentially wasted. However, a key point is that if
> this space is either:
> - going to be subsequently used within an appropriate timeframe, or
> - going to reoccur within an appropriate timeframe
> then it's not really wasted is it ? I mean, if we're going to subsequently
> use this space, then this "unused" space is not really an issue. If after
> the rebuild, this unused space subsequently returns, then the rebuild is
> kinda pointless isn't it ? So space is only really wasted if we don't
> to use it or if by getting rid of the wasted space, we keep it away.
> Note that "some" unused space is a good thing. Why, because it gives index
> blocks spare capacity to avoid block splits. Block splits occur when a
> has insufficient free space in which to store new index entries and a
> split is not particularly nice. It involves extra I/O to get a new leaf
> node, it involves extra CPU to redistribute the index data, it requires
> extra redo, etc. etc. It also results in now two leaf nodes having 50%
> unused space. Net effect, reduced performance and the generation of unused
> space, exactly what the rebuild was trying to prevent . So avoiding block
> splits is a good thing that unused space provides.
> How does an index get wasted space. Well if we keep our above criteria in
> mind, not that easily. Note that current free space within an index can
> generally be consumed by subsequent inserts, note that deleted index space
> can be subsequently reused, note that totally emptied blocks can be reused
> by subsequent index splits. So the chance of any free space being
> used is high (please see Metalink Note 182699.1 where Oracle have
> my warnings regarding unnecessarily rebuilding indexes due to these
> factors). However, there are situations when this free space may never get
> reused and so is potentially "wasted" which include:
> a.. An index is created with an excessive PCTFREE value which subsequent
> index growth will never use (somewhat rare and a stupid thing to do in the
> first place)
> b.. When we have deletes with monotonically increasing index entries.
> deleted space can not be reused as all new entries live in the last index
> node unless all entries are deleted from the node. So it's sparse deletes
> incrementally increasing index values. Note this requires knowledge of the
> characteristics of the index to identify.
> c.. Similar scenario to above, but sparse deletions of ranges of values
> that are no longer valid insertable values
> d.. When we perform a large/bulk delete with no prospect of re-entering
> the same volume of data. However note in this case the table itself would
> likely have an inflated HWM and so it's the table (and hence implicitly
> indexes) that would potentially benefit from a rebuild.
> e.. When we have enough occurrences of particular index values that they
> span over multiple index nodes. As Oracle:
> a.. performs 50/50 block splits (unless it's the highest value in the
> leaf node where a 90-10 split is generated), and
> b.. inserts only into the last referenced leaf node of the value
> Oracle will leave behind a trail of ½ emptied blocks that can not be
> filled as they only contain references to the single index value which can
> only be inserted into the last leaf node containing this referenced value
> (again, unless all the corresponding index entries are subsequently
> deleted). These indexes are identified as those with a low ratio of
> values to leaf blocks (except in rare cases with wildly non uniform
> distribution of data)
> In most other situations, current unused space is "useable". Therefore
> indexes that "potentially" require rebuilding are those that have
> "sufficient" unused space AND meet the above criteria. Note this is the
> *only* metric worth considering when determining to rebuild an index. What
> is the current used/unused space in the index (pct_used) AND what are the
> characteristics of the index that would prevent this space from being
> subsequently used within an appropriate period of time. Note that the
> criteria listed above rules out the vast majority of indexes from being
> rebuild candidates.
> So what is "sufficient" unused space that would warrant a rebuild ? Again,
> it goes back to my early point. Those indexes by which removing this
> "wasted" space would result a noticeable improvement in performance.
> Surprisingly, this is rarer than many imagine.
> Let me give you a typical example (one similar to Jonathan's in his
> article).
> I have a "very inefficient" 4 level b*tree index, one in which my leaf
> are 50% empty. It currently only houses 100 index entries when it could
> potentially store 200. I have a query that uses this index via a range
> which results in 1000 rows returned. Before the rebuild, we require:
> 3 LIOs to navigate the index branches
> 10 LIOs to read all the necessary index entries from the index
> leaf nodes
> 1000 LIOs to access the row data stored in the table
> Total 1013 LIOs.
> After the rebuild, we still have a 4 level index (didn't eliminate
> sufficient entries to reduce the level) but now have ½ the previous leaf
> nodes. Now we require:
> 3 LIOs to navigate the index branches
> 5 LIOs to read all the necessary index entries from the index
> leaf nodes
> 1000 LIOs to access all the row data stored in the table
> Total 1008 LIOs (or an improvement of 0.49%)
> This improvement is only within the SQL. We still have the same parsing
> overheads, network overheads, processing within the application, etc. etc.
> so the total net effect of response time would be substantially less.
> However even assuming this improvement across the board, a (say) 10 sec
> application response time has been improved by this index rebuild by 0.049
> of a sec.
> Hardly an improvement worth writing to mum about and this with an index
> had a pct_used of only 50% and a range scan that returns a (relatively
> large) 1000 rows. Now if only we could spend the effort to reduce the row
> accesses down to 10 rows, then dear mum might be more excited ...
> If this were a unique scan there would be NO difference in LIOs. None.
> However by having double the necessary leaf nodes, we might decrease the
> likelihood of finding the index blocks in cache and increase the
> of pushing out other favourable objects from cache, which could result in
> additional physical I/O. That said, if this were a popular index, the odds
> of the required blocks being cached is high and considering you actively
> promote caching of entire databases, it's an issue I won't dwell on ;)
> So for an index rebuild to be justified and for it to have a noticeable
> effect on performance, it requires a massive proportion of unused space to
> be reclaimed (rare considering the workings of b*trees as discussed) AND
> requires very large numbers of index blocks to be accessed by the
> applications.
> So if the above index were used by an important batch program and accessed
> via a fast full index scan, then our story could be different. Lets say
> entire index has been reduced from 100,000 index blocks down to 50,000
> blocks after the rebuild. That's a reduction of 50000 blocks to be read or
> 50% which might be a noticeable result (of course the multiblock read
> up my nice LIO count somewhat ;)
> However, you get my point. Now we have a scenario where we have a
> significant amount of unused space (50%) AND a significant number of index
> blocks (100%) that we wish to access.
> To determine whether an index rebuild has been justified is relatively
> straight forward. Has performance improved on the key applications that
> depend on the rebuilt index(es). This can be monitored in a number of
> I know of one previous manager who, with a stop watch in hand, would
> periodically time end user operations. If they took longer than expected,
> watch out. Although crude, it does kinda make a point in that overall
> response time is the issue. If by rebuilding an index, various statistics
> and space utilization ratios look better, it means zip if nothing actually
> appears to run faster.
> Therefore you need to store metrics beforehand, when things were running
> slower and then make comparisons after the index rebuild. Has it actually
> helped ? These metrics could be in the form of:
> Managers with stop watches
> Timings of corresponding code through SQL*PLUS
> Timings as generated directly by applications/batch jobs
> Trace Files that document execution statistics, execution
> timings and wait timings (preferred)
> etc ..
> The usual care needs to be taken ensure that any changes in timings can be
> attributed to the index rebuild and not other changed variables such as
> different database load, other structural changes, etc. That's why I like
> the trace file method where you can see what is causing what to wait and
> how long, etc. Also such timings need to continue periodically to see how
> long any possible performance benefits continue. However, the point is
> improvements need to be measurable, else what's the point.
> Finally, I just want to make the point that rebuilding indexes (and
> just as importantly generating statistics such as you suggest with
> structure commands) is not cheap. It chews up heaps of resources and
> generates various locking issues, particularly validate structure which
> locks the entire table during it's duration (the online option ain't much
> use from a generating stats point of view) but even index rebuilds can be
> troublesome. If you have the spare resources and/or you have the
> availability, great go for it, but if you don't then pointless index
> rebuilds need to be avoided.
> It all comes back to the question of do the pros and the benefits of index
> rebuilds justify the cons and the costs of rebuilding the buggers.
> Don, this is not rocket science, it's all just common sense really. Your
> article suggests that this is all somehow mysterious, ambiguous, that
> rebuilds sometimes seem to help but for some spooky reason nobody knows
> This is not the case at all. Index rebuilds are beneficial sometimes
> the resultant reduction in LIOs results in either less overheads when
> the index or in some cases in the index being used in the first place.
> rebuilds generally are not beneficial because there is generally not
> reduction in LIOs for it to be noticeable to you, or I or to mum or to the
> end users, etc."
> and after a different version of the article appeared I made the following
> points:
> "I notice that your Index article has changed yet again (up to version 3
> ?), unfortunately re-introducing many of the inaccuracies I previously
> highlighted.
> However, this time, you've used the index metrics to create what you
> describe as "very interesting reports". Interesting indeed !! In my
> to get this article of yours to a professional standard, let me add these
> points to my ever increasing list of issues with your article:
> a.. There is no such table as idx_stats. Do you means index_stats or do
> you mean your index_details table ?
> b.. You reference a column called sum_key_len which isn't defined
> probably because there's no such column and that's probably because if
> meant to represent the length of an index entry, it's a variable value
> dependent on each individual index entry. Therefore the manner in which
> used throughout this report is incorrect and will produce inaccurate
> results.
> c.. The "Blocks" column C2 specifies all blocks allocated to the index
> segment including those blocks above the HWM. You do realize that other
> perhaps wasting space, blocks above the HWM do not impact index
> at all ...
> d.. The "Dense Full Block Space" column C7 is defined incorrect and is
> totally meaningless as it:
> a.. doesn't consider the "unusable" portion of leaf blocks (block
> and the such)
> b.. doesn't consider the full space required for an index entry
> lock bytes, length bytes, etc)
> c.. doesn't consider the space required for branch blocks
> d.. incorrectly computes the space used as the "number of rows" * "sum
> of the key lengths" (which as mentioned is both undefined and variable so
> an inaccurate way of determining the space required by the index)
> e.. incorrectly multiples (rather than divides) this meaningless
> by the pct_free less space
> What you have here is a number that's equivalent to a random number
> multiplied by your birthdate, of some mild interest but of no relevance
> discussing index characteristics !!
> A more accurate formula would be:
> ceil((lf_rows_len - del_lf_rows_len) / lf_blk_len) +
> / br_blk_len)) / ((100 - pct_free)/100)
> if what you're trying to do is approximate how many blocks this index
> would use if rebuilt with its current pct_free value (I'm assuming at
> a level 2 index).
> a.. The next column "Percent Free Blocks" C11 is also totally
> for all the above reasons *and* because you're calculating the approximate
> "wasted" blocks within the index structure by using the "blocks" statistic
> which as mentioned earlier includes all blocks above the HWM. An index
> consists of just one block but has an initial extent of 1M would appear a
> possible candidate for a rebuild but it would be a bit of a pointless
> exercise. Blocks above the HWM do not effect the efficiency of the index,
> invalidating the purpose of what you're trying to represent here. Rather
> than blocks, I would suggest lf_blks + br_blks would be more appropriate
> meaningful value that determines the number of blocks actually in the
> current index structure.
> b.. The column "Computed Empty Block" C10 is (you guess it) inaccurate
> totally meaningless. You again insist on incorrectly multiplying
> by the non-existent/non meaningful sum_key_len rather than just using
> del_lf_rows_len (which you're trying to compute anyway) and you're still
> dividing by the full blocksize rather than the more meaningful lf_blk_len
> (the usable block size). Your C10 therefore should look like:
> (del_lf_rows_len / lf_blk_len)"
> Hopefully these comments will do some good not only to Don but to anyone
> trying to understand this whole issue.
> Regards
> Richard Foote
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <>
> Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 6:29 AM
> > Tanel,
> >
> > I think you're saying a query almost always runs faster right after the
> index
> > rebuild and there's no point in finding the criterion whether to rebuild
> an
> > index. (What is "42"?)
> >
> > Some time ago I posted a message somewhere else showing a case where
> rebuilding
> > or coalescing an index may be benefitial. A data warehouse is found to
> have
> > some data errors. Deletes and updates are done. Then the database goes
> > mostly read-only again, and will last for a month or quarter. Then
> shrinking
> > frequently used B*Tree indexes is a good idea. Now I'd like to add one
> more
> > criterion as a result of reading Jonathan Lewis' dbazine article and
> with
> > him (errors are mine): the index is full scanned, or if range scanned or
> unique
> > scanned, the index selectivity has to be fairly low (but not too low for
> the
> > index to be ignored by CBO).
> >
> > In a typical working environment, a data warehouse does have plenty of
> > relatively quiet period. I worked on a monthly data load project at an
> > insurance company. I remember we rebuilt a partitioned IOT (one
> at a
> > time) and fast full index scan (certain partitions) did run faster.
> >
> > There're some errors in Don Burleson's dbazine article (e.g. pct_used in
> > dba_indexes) and Mike Hordila's Oramag article (structurally unbalanced
> index).
> > But one thing alluded to in there is important: study Oracle performance
> > problems as scientific research. You said setting _wait_for_sync to
> > improves performance. That's a fact. We can only explain and analyze it
> but not
> > deny it. Similarly, when Mike says queries run 10 to 50% faster after
> index
> > rebuild, we can't deny unless we find his measurement is wrong. Wouldn't
> it be
> > nice if Oracle researchers write articles with sections like Abstract -
> > Experimental - Results - Discussion in that order?
> >
> > Yong Huang
> >
> > Tanel Poder wrote:
> >
> > There's no point of arguing about whether a query ran faster right after
> you
> > rebuilt your index. Nor there is no point in finding some ultimate
> algorithm
> > for finding the point of index rebuilding, we all know the answer - it's
> > "42".
> >
> > Instead, a long stress test has to be done, e.g. running 10 millions of
> > continous transactions and queries (simulating real life). Do one 10M
> > without rebuilding indexes in the meantime, measure total execution
> IO
> > amount, CPU usage, segment sizes etc.
> >
> > Then restore your database back to starting point and do the same test
> again
> > with regular index rebuilds during the operations (online or taking
> "users"
> > offline, depending on environment type). And then measure the same
> > statistics, especially total execution time. Note, that statistics and
> time
> > also for rebuilding indexes should be accounted in totals, because in
> > life they don't just disappear somewhere as in some simple-minded tests.
> >
> > Tanel.
> >
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> Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051
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-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Tanel Poder INET: Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services --------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Mon Dec 08 2003 - 15:44:39 CST
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