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More than one line of what? Do you want to try something like below?
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Exemplo de XML Endereco--> <!DOCTYPE lista_endereco SYSTEM "lista_endereco.dtd"> <lista_endereco> <endereco>
<titulo> rodolfo do Carmo Andrietta</titulo>
<logradouro>R Um</logradouro>
<cidade>Sao Paulo</cidade>
</endereco> <endereco>
<titulo> rodolfo do Carmo Andrietta</titulo>
<logradouro>R Um</logradouro>
<cidade>Sao Paulo</cidade>
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 3:39 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Hi friend,
HI know that this forum is about Oracle, but i have a doubt and i
think thay someone can help me .
I have the xml sctructure below.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Exemplo de XML Endereco--> <!DOCTYPE lista_endereco SYSTEM "lista_endereco.dtd"> <lista_endereco> <endereco>
<titulo> rodolfo do Carmo Andrietta</titulo>
<logradouro>R Um</logradouro>
<cidade>Sao Paulo</cidade>
<!-- lista_endereco.dtd --> <!ELEMENT lista_endereco (endereco)> <!ELEMENT endereco (titulo, primeironome, ultimonome, logradouro,cidade, estado, cep)>
<!ELEMENT titulo (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT primeironome (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT ultimonome (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT logradouro (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT cidade (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT estado (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT cep (#PCDATA)>
My question is :
How can i do for use DTD and put more than 1 line in XML ?
Because like that, if i put one more line in xml it says that file is
Any clue ?
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