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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> ORA-1000 and pl/sql cursor cache
Does anyone know whether its possible to control the size of the pl/sql static cursor cache.
I'm running into ORA-01000: maximum number of open cursors exceeded errors and part of the problem (apart from the usual developers not closing explicit cursors) is that _all_ static sql statements in compiled pl/sql units seem to be getting cached. I can't find any documentation of this feature apart from a few hints in the pl/sql and application development docs. Here's an example from an 8.1.7 database: -
SQL>create or replace procedure foobar is
2 v_result varchar2(30);
3 begin
4 select user into v_result from dual;
5 end;
6 /
Procedure created.
SQL>select b.sql_text
2 from v$session a, v$open_cursor b
3 where a.sid = b.sid
4 and a.audsid = userenv('SESSIONID')
5 /
SQL>exec foobar
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL>select b.sql_text
2 from v$session a, v$open_cursor b
3 where a.sid = b.sid
4 and a.audsid = userenv('SESSIONID')
5 /
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