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AW: Experiences with Oracle and MS .Net data providers

From: Stefan Jahnke <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 06:54:51 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Hi Mladen

Nice metaphor. Did you intentionally use zum Donnerwetter as a little word play on MS's "Hailstorm" - project (R.I.P.) ?. That get's pretty close to obscene language, too. I guess I was actually gullible enough to believe that .NET might be comparable to the Java world. Maybe not ;). Or maybe I have to keep playing with MONO.


-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: Mladen Gogala [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. November 2003 15:39 An: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Betreff: Re: Experiences with Oracle and MS .Net data providers

On 11/25/2003 07:39:30 AM, Stefan Jahnke wrote:
> Hi
>How is it, that data
> providers can be in incompatible in .NET ?
> Stefan

Stefan, lets talk about obscene language. As you know, obscene language is not always the same. The phrase "zum Donnerwetter" can and will be understood as swearing, despite the fact that it's utterly incomprehensible to me why would someone use bad weather as a swearing phrase.
Two obscene words in Redmond, WA are "compatible" and "standards", which are used much in the same way as the phrase "zum Donnerwetter" is used in German language. You should know that .NET is incompatibility elevated to the level of art. Did you really expect MS product to be compatible withe anything else except with another MS product? MS products are not compatible, they are .NET compatible or contemptible, for short. Your question should be rephrased as: how can anybody realistically expect .NET provider to be compatible with a non-MS database like Oracle?

Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA

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Author: Stefan Jahnke

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Received on Tue Nov 25 2003 - 08:54:51 CST

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