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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Email Notification
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Doc ID: Note:74269.1
Content Type: TEXT/PLAIN
Creation Date: 22-SEP-1999
Last Revision Date: 23-APR-2002
How to test and diagnose why SMTP email notifications do not work from
Enterprise Manager.
Oracle Enterprise Manager
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)
With the steps listed below, email is tested outside the Enterprise Manager
product to determine if the actual problem is with the SMTP configuration or
the Enterprise Manager product.
IMPORTANT NOTE! Go slowly. Any backspacing will corrupt the email message. If a message from SMTP comes back saying "unrecognized command", start over.
Also, the responses from the local SMTP server may be a little different from those described in this document.
telnet <smtp_server> 25 <ENTER>
If the telnet session is running on Windows NT, customize the terminal
settings to echo back what is typed in at the command prompt:
Choose Terminal, then Preferences, then Local echo.
3. Now introduce the client machine to the server by typing:
helo <ENTER>
(The correct spelling is helo - not hello)
A response from smtp ---> 250 ukxxx1 Hello
[], pleased to meet you
If a message is returned ---> 501 helo requires domain address
Then type: ---> helo (substitute with the local domain of the SMTP server)
4. Tell the SMTP Gateway who the test email is coming fro by typing:
-------> mail from: emailid_at_domain <ENTER> (emailid_at_domain is the same name listed in the SMTP Gateway Configuration window in the EM Console)
If a message is returned ---> 501 Syntax error in return path
Then type: ---> mail from: <emailid_at_domain> <ENTER>
NOTE: Include the angle brackets around the address. A response from smtp ---> 250 emailid_at_domain... Sender ok
5. Tell the SMTP Gateway who to send the test email to by typing:
--------> rcpt to: emailid_at_domain <ENTER>
--------> rcpt to: <emailid_at_domain> <ENTER>
(if using the address enclosed in angled bracket in previous step)
(emailid_at_domain is the email receiver name listed in the EM Console)
A response from smtp ---> 250 emailid_at_domain... Recipient ok
6. Tell the SMTP Gateway what type of information is being sent by typing:
-------> data <ENTER> A response from smtp ---> 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself 7. Enter the test message and remember to close the email with a dot "." Type ---> Subject: SMTP Test <ENTER> Hello this is an smtp test for EM. <ENTER> . <ENTER> A response from smtp ---> 250 PAA15913 Message accepted for delivery 8. End the SMTP connection session by typing:
--------> quit <ENTER>
response from smtp ---> 221 ukxxx1 closing connection The connection has been terminated.
The email should then be delivered to the receiver via the SMTP server.
If the command line test doesn't work, hopefully a helpful error messages from the SMTP server will be displayed indicating a problem will be with the SMTP server setup and not with Enterprise Manager.
However, if the command line test is successful, a problem may exist with the EM interface or with the local configuration of EM. To obtain further debugging information, turn on OMS Tracing as outlined in [NOTE:69522.1] How to Activate Logging and Tracing for EM 2 Components Received on Mon Nov 24 2003 - 22:59:25 CST
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