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Mr. Begun,
I didn't answer your comment about making the query work with the decode vs. using a user-written PL/SQL function because I wanted to compare timings for both. I created a table with 200,000 rows and compared the VB (Vladimir Begun) query to the JRK (my) query. The runtimes were identical (using SET TIMING ON in SQL*Plus).
I agree that PL/SQL isn't necessary but I think it's easier to read, and the performance is the same. So there!
In any case Ms. Bellows had a correct solution, which I mistakenly thought was false, so all this was just an intellectual exercise.
With a 4-element list
execute :list := '3,4,5,6,'
SET TIMING ON results: VB query 11.87 JRK query: 11.67 (each query was run twice)
If you don't "hardcode" the number of elements in the list in the 'AND cnt = ' clause, the times were slightly longer but still the same: 14.71 vs. 14.32
VB query:
FROM ( SELECT DECODE(ROWNUM - 1, 0, 1, INSTR(:list, ',', 1, ROWNUM - 1) + 1) p , INSTR(:list, ',', 1, ROWNUM) c FROM gab WHERE ROWNUM <= LENGTH(TRANSLATE(:list, ',0123456789-E', ',')) )
AND cnt = 4 -- it's "for nothing", because count can be give by caller GROUP BY
usr , cnt
b.usr, b.val, count (distinct b.val) over (partition by b.usr) cnt
from gab b
) a
val in (select *
from the (select cast (str_to_tbl (:num_list) as my_number_table) from dual ) )
Test data creation:
drop table gab;
create table gab
(usr varchar2(10) not null, val number not null) ; declare
insert_cnt constant pls_integer := 200000 ; commit_cnt constant pls_integer := 2000 ;
i pls_integer ; j pls_integer ; k pls_integer ; l pls_integer ; n pls_integer ;
type usrt is table of gab.usr%type index by binary_integer ;
usra usrt ;
type valt is table of gab.val%type index by binary_integer ;
vala valt ;
dbms_random.initialize (dbms_utility.get_time) ;
i := 1 ;
while i <= insert_cnt
usr := chr (ascii ('A') + mod (abs (dbms_random.random), 26)) || chr (ascii ('A') + mod (abs (dbms_random.random), 26)) || chr (ascii ('A') + mod (abs (dbms_random.random), 26)) ; n := mod (abs (dbms_random.random), 5) + 1 ; j := mod (i - 1, commit_cnt) + 1 ; k := least (commit_cnt, j + n - 1) ; for l in j..k loop usra (l) := usr ; vala (l) := mod (abs (dbms_random.random), 9) + 1 ; end loop ; i := i + k - j + 1 ; if k >= commit_cnt or i >= insert_cnt then forall m in 1..k insert into gab (usr, val) values (usra (m), vala (m)) ; commit ; end if ;
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