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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Re[2]: ORDER -- was Re[2]: Sequences in OPS/RAC
How about removing any holes via some sort of batch process, ie: Insert into
staging tables using any old sequence, don't worry about gaps. Then,
periodically upload this to the main tables using either a sequence or a
local pl/sql counter. I can think of a number of variations on this theme.
Daid Lord
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thater, William []
> Sent: 06 November 2003 14:49
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: RE: Re[2]: ORDER -- was Re[2]: Sequences in OPS/RAC
> Jonathan Gennick scribbled on the wall in glitter crayon:
> > Would NOCACHE really prevent loss of sequence values? It
> seems to me
> > that you could still find yourself in a situation where you grab
> > NEXTVAL from a sequence, causing it to increment, and then you
> > rollback your transaction. The sequence, of course, would not
> > rollback, and you'd "lose" a value. I don't know any way
> around this
> > problem using sequences. If it were a requirement not to lose any
> > values, none at all, then I'd probably at least think about
> > alternative solutions.
> OK so outside of the select-from-a-table-increment-and-put-it-back
> solutions, what other ones are there that absolutely not have
> gaps. i don't think even that one can make that claim.
> --
> Bill "Shrek" Thater ORACLE DBA
> "I'm going to work my ticket if I can..." -- Gilwell song
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> We have penetrated far less deeply into the regularities
> obtaining within the realm of living things, but deeply
> enough nevertheless to sense at least the rule of fixed
> necessity ..... what is still lacking here is a grasp of the
> connections of profound generality, but not a knowledge of
> order itself.
> - Albert Einstein
> --
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