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I have another problem that I have been trying to solve. I have this query that works perfectly in 8i, but does not work in 9i. The query is
The error I got from 9i is:
ERROR at line 5:
ORA-01722: invalid number
However, The following sqls work both in 8i and 9i:
select distinct to_number(Curationdetails.text)
from Curationdetails, termlist
where context = 3001817 and
CurationDetails.Text=to_char(termlist.TermID) and Curationdetails.text='3357971'; select distinct arc.TermID, arc.ParentTermID from arc where arc.TermID in (select distinct to_number(Curationdetails.text) from Curationdetails, termlist where context = 3001817 and CurationDetails.Text=to_char(termlist.TermID) and Curationdetails.text='3357971' ); select distinct arc.TermID, arc.ParentTermID from arc connect by prior arc.ParentTermID=arc.TermID start with arc.TermID in (to_number('3357971'));
So I guess I am a bit confused. Does anyone know why the orginal query failed in 9i?
TIA. Guang
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Author: Guang Mei
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