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Re: Your new book

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 10:29:39 -0800
Message-ID: <>

I'm not Cary but a satisfied reader who read the book in a very detailed way and probably caused some headache to Cary. Allow me, nevertheless, to respond to your question. Cary's book IS different because it does not cover the classical approach to tuning and explaining in detail all well known and less well known V$ and X$ tables. The only thing in the book that can be considered classic, is a lecture in proper business conduct. Cary, unfortunately, regards performance optimization projects as business and not art or an opportunity to express one's personality. Nuff said. That part is covered in Chris Lawson's book in a similar fashion.
Then there is a very detailed reference of .trc files format, and DBMS_SUPPORT package, together with perl scripts to parse them and accounting principles for various forms of spent time (elapsed, spent CPU time and alike.) Parts of that can be found on Metalink, but not described with such clarity and in such detail. A part that not everybody will enjoy is a part of queuing theory which helps predict the exact response times. Cary is, actually, taking things one step further and he explains how the exact response time can be calculated from 10046 trace files. That is what they do at Hotsos. Shortcoming of that part is that BCS in math is recommended. Fortunately for me, I have a batchelor degree in math, so I was able to follow. Even as layman not consecrated into the deepest mysteries of mathematics and even if you don't know what a Bannach fixed point theorem or a Cauchy sequence is, you can still learn interesting things about predictability and principles from that chapter. As an additional value, there are many practical interesting examples from the Hotsos practice. It was almost a feeling of deja vu, something like: ah THAT is what those guys at Hotsos are doing! Add an extraordinary clarity and subtle sense of humor and you get an excellent book which I hat to rate as a "strong buy".

On 10/21/2003 12:49:25 PM, Michael Milligan wrote:
> Cary,
> I don't mean to ask you to brag, but can you please tell me if your
> new
> book, of which I've heard good things, is different in any way than
> other
> Oracle Performance Tuning books out. Does it take a different
> approach? Does
> it
> teach different methodologies? Is it more readable? I'd be very
> interested
> in your own assessment. What did you try to accomplish with this
> book?
> TIA,
> Michael Milligan
> Oracle DBA
> Ingenix, Inc.
> 2525 Lake Park Blvd.
> Salt Lake City, Utah 84120
> wrk 801-982-3081
> mbl 801-628-6058
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Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA

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Received on Tue Oct 21 2003 - 13:29:39 CDT

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