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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> My Proc may not be using bind vars.
I thought of giving this a go first before bouncing it to the gurus in the
Basically, I wanted this procedure to be called from another 3rd party
application with the parameter of a 'customer_key'. I was under the
impression that I could force the select statement to use a 'bind' variable
from within the procedure. I then called this procedure to try it out (in
SQLPlus using exec by_key('customer_key') ) 30 times in succession using
different customer_key each time. I was expecting v$sqlarea to report stats
like parse=1 and executions=30. However, what I got were 30 of the "begin
by_key('zzz'); end;" with 1 parse and 1 execution each. (zzz had different
values every time). I'm still in the prototyping stage but the basic gist
of what I want is what I already have in the procedure.
Was what I got from v$sqlarea the expected behavior/stat result? What can I change so that the sql statement will only parse once and execute many times in other words make it more efficient?
thanks in advance.
create or replace procedure by_key (v_customer_key
type addr_rec_type is record (
addr1 sales_order_delivery.address_line_1%type, addr2 sales_order_delivery.address_line_2%type, addr3 sales_order_delivery.address_line_3%type,sub_dist sales_order_delivery.suburb_district%type, pcode sales_order_delivery.postal_code%type); addr_rec addr_rec_type;
'sales_order_delivery where customer_key = :ckey';begin
open cv for stmt using v_customer_key; loop
fetch cv into addr_rec; exit when cv%notfound;
end loop;
close cv;
when others then
dbms_output.put_line(sqlcode||sqlerrm); end by_key;
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Author: Ross Collado
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