That configuration was usual for Apps 11.0.x and prior, but with 11i it is
strongly recommended to take the default configuration and leave the ConcMgr
on the apps-tier instread of the db-tier.
Two major reasons:
- The gains in manageability (especially upgrades) far outweigh the
incremental (possible) loss in performance. For tuning, tune the SQL, donıt
assume its network. For example, upgrading the db-tier is now a snap, as
compared to performing such an upgrade for 10.7 or 11.0.x...
- There is not as much network back-and-forth in 11i batch programs and
reports as there used to be. Enormous numbers of stored procedures and
packages are now being used, making the ConcMgr programs much less ³chatty²
Received on Sun Oct 12 2003 - 13:09:24 CDT