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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: shared_Pool_size
Arup ,
wow I am so glad that you answered . You always come up with the real mccoy
answers. However I have a few questions stemming from what you said:
I did select sum(bytes) from v$sgastat where pool='shared pool;
>From this I subtracted the value of shared_pool_size. The difference is
exactly equal to my db_cache_size.
3. What is the size of your buffer cache ?
I wish Oracle had clearly defined all its memory needs in big big bold letters for novices like me.
I apologize for getting back to you late on this issue. As you can probably tell, I hardly find time to look at the Oracle-L messages.
Anyway, your question is valid; actually it's an aberration of understanding the pool management in Oracle. When you define the shared_pool_size parameter in initialization parameter, that is not really the *whole* share pool, but only for part of it. The shared pool contains several other types of objects, such as PL/SQL Dianas, etc. Here is the output for my case.
SQL> show parameter shared_pool_size
NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ------- ------------------------------ shared_pool_size string 36000000
SQL> select sum(bytes) from v$sgastat where pool = 'shared pool';
As you can see, the defined shared pool is only 36 MB whereas the actual allocated shared pool is about 80 MB. Where does the extra 44 MB come from? To find out we have to break down the shared pool.
SQL> l
1 select * from v$sgastat where pool = 'shared pool' order by 3;
POOL NAME BYTES ----------- -------------------------- ---------------- shared pool trigger inform 408 shared pool fixed allocation callback 1,904 shared pool PLS non-lib hp 2,136 shared pool trigger source 2,280 shared pool table definiti 3,664 shared pool temporary tabl 6,040 shared pool trigger defini 8,312 shared pool KGK heap 9,944 shared pool table columns 19,752 shared pool KGFF heap 43,728 shared pool log_buffer 98,304 shared pool SYSTEM PARAMETERS 107,920 shared pool long op statistics array 124,000 shared pool enqueue_resources 151,008 shared pool network connections 158,096 shared pool ktlbk state objects 165,088 shared pool message pool freequeue 191,192 shared pool DML locks 206,976 shared pool db_handles 220,000 shared pool processes 268,000 shared pool PL/SQL DIANA 413,072 shared pool transactions 468,160 shared pool State objects 539,680 shared pool sessions 680,960 shared pool KQLS heap 829,752 shared pool event statistics per sess 972,160 shared pool PL/SQL MPCODE 1,080,168 shared pool dictionary cache 1,533,464 shared pool miscellaneous 1,996,984 shared pool db_block_hash_buckets 5,253,744 shared pool sql area 8,864,600 shared pool library cache 10,415,712 shared pool free memory 11,150,056 shared pool db_block_buffers 35,356,800
Note the last value, db_block_buffers: 35,356,800. Wait! shouldn't the db block buffers be in db_block_buffers? What are they doing in shared pool?
Even though the actual buffers are defined by the parameter db_block_buffers, and the bufferes are created there, the actual management of the buffers, i.e. which one is free, which one is at which end of the Least Recently Used (LRU) list, etc. are maintained in the shared pool. Theefore the 35 MB area you see is allocated to the management of the db block buffers, outside the 36 MB I have defined.
The 36 MB I defined goes into the sql area (8 MB), library cache (10 MB), db block hash buckets (5 MB) and dictionary cache (1 MB) and about 11 MB is free = 36 MB. The rest are all outside the defined shared pool. Hence you see a different number.
Hope this helps.
Arup Nanda
> Arup, sorry to trouble you but I was unable to get an answer about the
> following. Could you please help me ?
> will the following two queries give the same value for the
> shared_Pool_size ?
> select sum ( bytes) / (1024*1024) from v$sgastat where pool = 'shared
> and
> show parameter shared_pool_size
> I always get a difference , the first one gives a value greater than the
> second by 12MB
> I tried with different values of shared_pool_size in Oracle
> enterprise edition on windows.
> What am I doing wrong here ?
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