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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Cary's book
Marketing is as much as how you present yourself as it is anything else.
I've seen uncertified and unexperienced guys who could write a resume that
would make you think they could walk on water, reorg, defrag, code in C#,
asp and java all while designing the newest, latest, greatest hybrid
Of course, when you pin them down to facts you find out they they haven't a clue what SQL*Plus is, they have never done a hot backup, they can only write a "hello world" C program, they thought java was something you picked up at Starbucks and they think hybrids are flowers that are cross polinated.
Marketing yourself is about learning what people want to hear.... Of course, one would hope that you would tell the TRUTH when you market yourself, but it's become clear to me over the years that there is a certain percentage of the population that hansn't figured out the truth angle yet.
-----Original Message-----
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Sent: 10/3/2003 11:39 AM
That only works up to the point where they are willing to pay. It's sad, but you can STILL get a job with the OCP letters after your name, regardless of what you can or can't do. The idea is that they are paying you bottom line because you have no experience... but being able to pass a test means that you are trainable.
If you can't get through the screeners that say... oh, you have X amount of qualifications... that prices you out of our range in these hard times, how can you market? Honestly, this is more than just rhetoric... HOW can you market yourself when you look bad to the bottom line?
April Wells
Oracle DBA/Oracle Apps DBA
Corporate Systems
Amarillo Texas
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