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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: x$ constructs and memory
Hi Daniel and list,
There are two types of X$ row sources. "X$ tables" export in-memory data structures that are inherently tabular, and "X$ interfaces" that call functions to return data is non-tabular, or not memory resident.
For example, the array of structs in the SGA representing processes is exported as the "X$ table" X$KSUPR. Not all of the struct members are exported as columns, but all of the rows are exported. There is a freelist, implemented as a header that points to the first free slot in the array, and a member of each struct to point to the next free slot. The 'process allocation' latch protects this freelist.
The most obvious example of an "X$ interface" to return non-tabular data is X$KSMSP, which returns one row for each chunk of memory in the shared pool. (There are similar X$ interfaces for other memory heaps). As you may know, heaps are implemented as a heap descriptor and linked list of extents, and within each extent there is a linked list of chunks. So what is done is that when the X$ interface is queried these linked lists are navigated (under the protection of the relevant latch if necessary) an a array is built in the CGA (part of the PGA) from which rows are then returned by the row source.
An example of an "X$ interface" that returns data that is not memory resident is X$KCCLE, which returns one row for each log file member entry in the controlfile. In fact, all the X$KCC* interfaces read data directly from the controlfile. Similarly, the X$KTFB* interfaces return LMT extent information - from the bitmap blocks (for free extents) and from the segment header and extent map blocks (for used extents).
Some "X$ tables" have become "X$ interfaces" in recent versions, for example X$KTCXB and X$KSQRS. These correspond to the transactions and enqueue resources arrays respectively. The reason is that they are no longer fixed arrays. Instead they are "segmented arrays" that can be dynamically extended by adding discontiguous chunks of shared pool memory to the array. The freelists and latching for these arrays in unchanged however. All you will notice is that the ADDR column of the X$ output now returns addresses which map into your PGA rather than the SGA. In fact, that is in general a good way to work out whether you are looking at an X$ table or an X$ interface.
@ Regards,
@ Steve Adams
@ - For DBAs
@ - For all
-----Original Message-----
Daniel Fink
Sent: Tuesday, 30 September 2003 1:10 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I was sitting on a mountain here in Colorado, pondering Oracle optimization and an interesting scenario crossed my feeble mind. As I began to ponder this (I asked the resident marmot, but he must be a SQL*Server expert...), I came up with several questions.
Where in memory (sga or other) do the x$ constructs reside?
Some of them are 'populated' by reading file-based structures
(control file, datafile headers, undo segments). Does this
information reside in memory or is it loaded each time the x$
construct is accessed?
What happens when these x$constructs begin to consume large
amounts of memory? Is there an upper bound?
Daniel Fink
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