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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Nosort parallel dml uses TEMP tablespace
Thanks for the input Praveen, if only it were that easy.
The sql is a straight "insert into tab1 select * from tab2" but with a parallel dml hint. Remove the parallel and it doesnt use TEMP. Theres no distinct, group by, order by or indexes on the target table (there are 12 or so on the source table).
As I said I've been reading metalink notes like mad..
Note:50592.1 says
Parallel Insert SYNTAX: ALTER session enable parallel dml; INSERT /*+ APPEND PARALLEL(d2 4) */ into d2 SELECT ... HOW IT WORKS: Each slave creates a TEMPORARY segment in target tablespace with INITIAL=NEXT from the tables storage clause. Each slave then populates its own segment in a similar manner to parallel SQLLOAD except that the rows are taken from the SELECT row source. On completion of the INSERT segments are MERGED one TEMPORARY segment with all trailing extents being trimmed - Note: we DO trim the temporary segment that we are merging into. "
So apparently "Each slave creates a TEMPORARY segment in target tablespace" but I am getting them appearing in the TEMP tablespace, not the tablespaces containing the partitions.
And the volume of TEMP required does not compute either.
BTW there are 27 partitions in the target table, which does not match the number parallel slaves
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 17 September 2003 09:26
To: Turner, Adrian A SITI-ITPSIE
Cc:; Multiple recipients of list
Please see the 2nd point. This will always use Temporary tablespace even if you have some other tablespace for the table getting inserted.
Operations Requiring Sorting
Index creation
Parallel insert operation involving index maintenance
ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses
DISTINCT values selection
Sort-merge joins
ANALYZE command execution
Please ignore this if you know it already.................
The Sort Process
The Oracle server sorts in memory if the work can be done within an area
smaller than
the value (in bytes) of the parameter SORT_AREA_SIZE.
If the sort needs more space than this value:
1 The data is split into smaller pieces, called sort runs; and each piece
is sorted
2 The server process writes pieces to temporary segments on disk; these
hold intermediate sort runs data while the server works on another sort
3 The sorted pieces are merged to produce the final result. If
not large enough to merge all the runs at once, subsets of the runs are
merged in a
number of merge passes.
Vohra Vishal 17/09/03 09:04 To: Pathania Birinder/PB251/Solihull/Transco_at_UKTransco, Praveen Shetty/PKS02/Solihull/Transco_at_UKTransco cc: Subject: RE: Nosort parallel dml uses TEMP tablespace
Gud One ! ! ! !!
Vishal Vohra
----- Forwarded by Vohra Vishal/VV011/Solihull/Transco on 17/09/03 09:09
"Turner, Adrian A SITI-ITPSIE" <Adrian.Turner_at_sh To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>> cc: Sent by: Subject: RE: Nosort parallel dml uses TEMP tablespace ml-errors_at_fatcity .com 17/09/03 09:39 Please respond to ORACLE-L
I'm even more confused now.
TEMP ran out of space at 20GB - I'm only inserting 12.2GB!
So I kicked it off again with the hint just as /*+ APPEND */ and it completed successfully in 1/6th the time to failure of the parallel insert.
-----Original Message----- From: Turner, Adrian A SITI-ITPSIE Sent: 16 September 2003 15:16 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: Nosort parallel dml uses TEMP tablespace Apologies if this has been covered before but metalink is not clear on the reasons behind it.... The database is running version 9204 EE on WinNT Sp6; and the statement is a parallel direct load into partitioned table selecting from a 12.2GB source table. ALTER SESSION ENABLE PARALLEL DML ; INSERT /*+ APPEND PARALLEL(TRANSACTION_NEW,4) */ INTO TRANSACTION_NEW (select * from TRANSACTIONS); I'm seeing segments created in the temp tablespace (from v$sort_usage) Sess# User Name TABLESPACE CONTENTS ext BLOCKS SZ_MB ----- --------- ------------------------------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- 9 SYS TEMP2 TEMPORARY 1629 208512 1629 11 SYS TEMP2 TEMPORARY 1629 208512 1629 12 SYS TEMP2 TEMPORARY 1629 208512 1629 13 SYS TEMP2 TEMPORARY 1629 208512 1629 I've enough space and it'll finish by tomorrow morning which is the deadline but does anyone know why TEMP is required and what the end to end process is? I would have expected to have seen temporary segments created, but in the partitions own tablespace. It doesnt seem optimal to me. Thanks in advance for your help, Regards, Adrian Unless expressly stated to the contrary, the views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of National Grid Transco plc or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates (Group Companies), and the Group Companies, their directors, officers and employees make no representation and accept no liability for its accuracy or completeness. This e-mail, and any attachments are strictly confidential and intended for the addressee(s) only. The content may also contain legal, professional or other privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and then delete the e-mail and any attachments. You should not disclose, copy or take any action in reliance on this transmission. You may report the matter by calling us on + 44(0) 1455 230999 Please ensure you have adequate virus protection before you open or detach any documents from this transmission. The Group Companies do not accept any liability for viruses. An e-mail reply to this address may be subject to monitoring for operational reasons or lawful business practices.
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Turner, Adrian A SITI-ITPSIE INET: Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting servicesReceived on Wed Sep 17 2003 - 04:44:44 CDT
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