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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Offshore threat
When working at International Air Transport Association (IATA), the company
moved around 60 jobs from Geneva and London to Montreal because it was
cheaper here.
This is all business as usual.
Stephane Paquette
Administrateur de bases de donnees
Database Administrator
Standard Life
Tel. (514) 499-7999 7470 and (514) 925-7187 <>
-----Original Message-----
Mercadante, Thomas F
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 2:50 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
This is all very funny and interesting. Anybody read the story in
yesterday's NY times? Mexica has a concern that their textile industry is
being "stolen" by China because it is cheaper to make products there than in
Sound familiar?
"This is the business we have chosen to be into" Himen Roth (and I know spelled his first name wrong).
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 2:10 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
It doesn't work in only one direction. While jobs are bieng lost to cheaper
labor markets, Indian companies now have to compete with frighteningly
giants like Nike, Coca Cola, IBM, Microsoft, GM, Union Carbide and others.
companies are losing the market and have to reduce their workforce, driving
cost of labor further down and closing the vicious circle. What is scary is
fact that we are an order of magnitude more efficient then the rest of the
even with all our PHB's and damagement. How messed up is everybody else? The
difference between a US DBA and a cleaning leady, which has also been
replaced by
an immigrant a long time ago, is the fact that the DBA has easier access to
DBA mailing lists. If we weren't crying foul then, there is no need to do it
We will simply have to adjust and do something else. The first thing that
to mind is becoming a lawyer. When I want to sue somebody,
I'd like to be represented by a cutthroat yankee lawyer, not by a very
polite and
non-aggressive gentleman from India. Lawyers do need a killer instinct, DBAs
not. For those of us who have it, it's more of a hindrance then a useful
Lawyers and politicians, fortunately for Indians, will never be outsourced
to India.
Here is our chance.
Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 12:55 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
LOL! Funny how this "globalisation" bull only works in one direction, eh?
Nuno Souto
----- Original Message -----
> ** Another programmer who lost his job to an Indian outsourcer is > willing to relocate in India. But Indian officials have told him they > don't hire Americans. Read about another politicized IT worker in "No > Americans Need Apply."
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Author: Mladen Gogala
Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting servicesto: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).
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Author: Stephane Paquette
Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting servicesto: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing). Received on Thu Sep 04 2003 - 14:14:33 CDT
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