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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> ODP.NET and LONG RAW
> Help!
> I am having trouble loading a JPEG image into Oracle via ODP.NET. I am
> getting the ORA-00932: Inconsistent datatypes error message when
> attempting to load the image into a LONG RAW column.
> If this wan't an Oracle Apps table, I would use a BLOB column instead of a
> LONG RAW, but my hands are tied.
> I have enclosed the code I am using to attempt to load the image. I know
> its probably something stupid, but I just can't see it in the pre-long
> weekend fog.
> Kevin
> Private Sub loadOracle(ByVal intPersonID As Integer, _
> ByVal img As Image)
> Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream()
> img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
> Dim b(ms.Length - 1) As Byte
> ms.Position = 0
> ms.Read(b, 0, ms.Length)
> Dim ob As New OracleBinary(b)
> Dim sp(2) As OracleParameter
> sp(0) = New OracleParameter("i_person_id", OracleDbType.Int64,
> ParameterDirection.Input)
> sp(0).Value = intPersonID
> sp(1) = New OracleParameter("i_table_name", OracleDbType.Varchar2,
> ParameterDirection.Input)
> sp(1).Value = "PER_IMAGES"
> sp(2) = New OracleParameter("i_img", ob)
> sp(2).DbType = DbType.Binary
> sp(2).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
> sp(2).OracleDbType = OracleDbType.LongRaw
> sp(2).Size = ob.Length
> sp(2).Value = ob
> Dim sql As String
> sql = "INSERT INTO hr.per_images (" & _
> " image_id" & _
> " ,image" & _
> " ,parent_id" & _
> " ,table_name" & _
> ") VALUES (" & _
> " hr.per_images_s.NEXTVAL" & _
> " ,:i_img" & _
> " ,:i_person_id" & _
> " ,:i_table_name" & _
> ")"
> cOracle.runDML(sql, sp, Me.ToString)
> End Sub
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