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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Grid
I know the folks here are using distcc to compile their gentoo stuff
(desktop only).
Rich Jesse System/Database Administrator Quad/Tech Inc, Sussex, WI USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MacGregor, Ian A. [mailto:ian_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 12:29 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: RE: Grid
> We've been talking of Grid computing here since either late
> 1999 or early 2000. The computing for our main experiment
> was designed before the Grid was contemplated. Still we have
> implemented some of the middleware needed, and build methods
> of authentication and authorization, and participated in Grid
> experiments. We have also been pushing the ability to
> transfer large amounts of data. The latest effort: 2.3 GB
> per second between the local internet hub and Geneva
> Switzerland over Internet 2. This is vital to make the Grid work.
> I was looking at the papers from the last Computing in High
> Energy Physics conference. I'd estimate that over half dealt
> with the Grid. Nearly all had to do with test beds or
> implementation standards. But the AMANDA experiment,
> Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array, is using the Grid
> in production. The AMANDA instrument is situated at the South Pole.
> In 1990 if had mentioned the web very few would have heard of
> it, but within a few years URL's were ubiquitous. Oracle was
> very slow in adapting to the web. Perhaps this time they
> want to be avant garde. I don't know how the Grid is to work
> in the business environment. Major scientific collaborations
> include universities and HEP labs from numerous countries
> working towards the same goals including the sharing of
> computer resources. I doubt Pepsi would share its resources
> with Coke. Will we have the cokegrid, the pepsigrid, etc.
> Ian MacGregor
> Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 2:49 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Although I haven't got into the technical details of 'The
> Grid' (and thanks for this article - I shall read it), but
> nevertheless I have a haunting sense of deja vu. Remember all
> the hype over distributed computing that Oracle generated?
> Remember the key part client-server was of that? Remember
> what Ellison said about that? ('The biggest mistake we ever
> made' - I was there, I heard him say it). So..... I'm just
> wondering how this particular circle is going to be squared...
> peter
> edinburgh
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 7:10 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> While I was cleaning up the other day, I noticed a magazine
> sticking out of the middle (sadly, closer to the top) of my
> still-to-be-read list. The cover story of Physics Today (Feb.
> 2002) is "The Power of Grid Computing". It is a pretty good
> review article on the subject. If anyone is interested, the
> URL is
> The major point seems to be that the grid is simply just a
> way to share distributed resources. However, utilizing these
> resources needs an infrastructure in place. It "requires
> uniform mechanisms for such critical tasks as creating and
> managing services on remote computers, supporting single
> sign-on to distributed resources, transferring large datasets
> at high speeds, forming large distributed virtual
> communities, and maintaining information about the existence,
> state, and usage policies of community resources...Providing
> the infrastructure and tools that make large-scale, secure
> resource sharing possible and straight-forward is the Grid's
> raison d'etre."
> In addition, this means that computing resources can be
> parcelled out like a utility. If you need extra CPU, buy it
> and use it from your utility when you need it. You don't need
> to own the hardware for your peak load. It also becomes
> easier to share data and applications between colleagues at
> different locations.
> I can see how databases are part of this picture, but I am
> not sure how Oracle will try and place itself at the center
> of this trend (unless they mangle the concept of Grid in the process).
> Henry
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