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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Query results to .csv
Here's a Perl script that is quite a bit faster than SQLPLUS.
=head1 dunldr
unload data from an oracle database
use 'dunldr -help' for help on usage
jared still
use warnings;
use FileHandle;
use DBI;
use strict;
use File::Path;
use IO::File;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
our %optctl = (); our %bincol = (); our %hexcols = (); unless ( Getopt::Long::GetOptions( \%optctl, "database=s", "username=s", "password=s", "owner=s", "directory=s", "dateformat=s", "header!", "schemadump!", "longlen=i", "rowlimit=i", "table=s@", "bincol=s" => \%bincol, "sysdba!", "sysoper!", "z","h","help" )
for my $table ( keys %bincol ) {
my @bincols = split(/\,/,$bincol{$table});}
$hexcols{uc($table)} = \@bincols;
#print Dumper(\%optctl); #print Dumper(\%hexcols); #for my $hexdumpcol ( @{$hexcols{XML_DATA}} ) { #print "hexdumpcol: $hexdumpcol\n";#}
our($db, $username, $password, $connectionMode);
$connectionMode = 0;
if ( $optctl{sysoper} ) { $connectionMode = 4 }
if ( $optctl{sysdba} ) { $connectionMode = 2 }
Usage(1) unless $optctl{database}; Usage(1) unless $optctl{username}; Usage(1) unless $optctl{password}; Usage(1) unless $optctl{owner};
if ( $optctl{h} || $optctl{z} || $optctl{help} ) {
if ( $optctl{schemadump} ) {
$optctl{table} = ['SCHEMADUMP'];
} else {
Usage(1) unless $optctl{table};
# default hdr to off
$optctl{header} ||= 0;
#if ( $optctl{bincol} ) {
$username=$optctl{username}; $password = $optctl{password}; $db = $optctl{database};
# create the working directory
unless ( $optctl{directory} ) {
$optctl{directory} = qq{$optctl{owner}.dump};
# create directory path if it doesn't exist -d $optctl{directory} || File::Path::mkpath([$optctl{directory}]);
our $dbh = DBI->connect(
'dbi:Oracle:' . $db,
$username, $password,
{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0, ora_session_mode => $connectionMode } );
die "Connect to $db failed \n" unless $dbh;
$dbh->{LongReadLen} = $optctl{longlen};
# set Oracle NLS date format
if ( $optctl{dateformat} ) {
$dbh->do(qq{alter session set nls_date_format =
'$optctl{dateformat}'} );
my $tableHash = new Tables($dbh, \%optctl);
#print "tables: ", join(':', keys %{$tableHash}), "\n"; #for my $table ( keys %{$tableHash} ){
#print "TABLE: $table FILE: $tableHash->{$table}\n"; #}
# print console info immediately
autoflush STDOUT 1;
my $sth;
# take a dump
for my $table ( keys %{$tableHash} ){
print "Table: $table\n";
my $sql = qq{select * from $optctl{owner}\.$table};
if ( $optctl{rowlimit}){ $sql .= qq{ where rownum <= $optctl{rowlimit}}; }- $!\n";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my @columns = @{$sth->{NAME_uc}}; my %colOrder = (); for my $el ( 0 ..$#columns ) { $colOrder{$columns[$el]} = $el; } my $dumpFile = $optctl{directory} . '/' . $tableHash->{$table}; open(DUMP, "+> $dumpFile") || die "could not create file $dumpFile
if ( $optctl{header} ) { print DUMP join(',',@columns),"\n"; }
# create the ctl and par files Tables->createCtl( TABLE => $table, COLUMNS => \@columns, DUMPFILE => $tableHash->{$table}, DIRECTORY => $optctl{directory}, SCHEMA => $optctl{owner}, HEXCOLS => \@{$hexcols{$table}}, COLORDER => \%colOrder ); # turn warnings off here so that warnings are not # reported for null columns when printed # comment it out to see what I mean no warnings; while ( my $ary = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) { # change column to hex if specified as binary via -bincol arg if ( exists $hexcols{$table} ) { for my $hexdumpcol ( @{$hexcols{$table}} ) { $ary->[$colOrder{uc($hexdumpcol)}] = uc(unpack("H*",$ary->[$colOrder{uc($hexdumpcol)}])); } } print DUMP q{"} . join(q{","},@{$ary}) . qq{"\n}; #print "ROW: " . q{'} . join(q{','},@{$ary}) . qq{'\n}; } use warnings; close DUMP;
sub Usage {
my ($exitCode) = @_;
print q{
dunldr - data unloader for Oracle
dunldr -database <database> -username <userid> -password <password> \
-directory <data unload directory> \ -header|noheader \ -owner <schema owner> \ -table <table1,table2,table3,...) -database database name -username user to login as -password password for login user -owner owner of tables to dump -directory directory to unload data into will default to <owner>.dump -dateformat Oracle NLS date format - optional-header|noheader should first line include column names?
-table table to dump. may be repeated as many times as necessary. -schemadump dump entire schema of <owner> will ignore -table settings -rowlimit limit number of rows returned -longlen if longs are in the table, set this to the maximum length you want. defaults to 65535 -bincol use to specify columns that should be dumped in hex format. columns with binary data tend to cause problems in text dumps. e.g. -bincol
dunldr -database orcl -username system -password manager \
-owner scott -directory scott.tables \ -header \ -table emp \ -table dept \ -table sales
dunldr -database orcl -username system -password manager \
-owner scott \ -dateformat 'mm/dd/yyyy' \ -header \ -schemadump \ -bincol xml_data=payload,header,authorization \ -bincol app_notes=text
exit $exitCode ? $exitCode : 0;
package Tables;
sub new {
my $pkg = shift; my $class = ref($pkg) || $pkg; my ( $dbh, $optionHash ) = @_; my $tableHash; if ( grep(/^SCHEMADUMP$/, @{$optionHash->{table}} ) ) { # get all tables of owner my $sql = q{ select table_name from all_tables where owner = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(uc($optionHash->{owner})); my @tableArray; while( my $ary = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) { push(@tableArray, $ary->[0]); } $tableHash = setTables(\@tableArray); } else { $tableHash = setTables(\@{$optionHash->{table}}); } bless $tableHash, $class; return $tableHash;
=head1 setTables
make a neat hash of the form TABLE_NAME => 'table_name.dump' all table names upper case, all file names lower case for dump file names - Perl is awesome
sub setTables {
my ($tableArray) = shift;
my %tables = map( split(/:/, $_), map( $_.':'.lc($_).'.txt', split( /:/, uc(join(':',@{$tableArray})) ) ) ); # uncomment these lines to see it #use Data::Dumper; #print Dumper(\%tables); #exit; my $hashRef = \%tables; return $hashRef;
sub createCtl {
my($self,%args) = @_;
my @columns = @{$args{COLUMNS}}; my %colOrder = %{$args{COLORDER}}; if ( $args{HEXCOLS} ) { for my $hexdumpcol ( @{$args{HEXCOLS}} ) { $columns[$colOrder{uc($hexdumpcol)}] = $columns[$colOrder{uc($hexdumpcol)}] . qq{ "hex_to_raw(:$columns[$colOrder{uc($hexdumpcol)}])"}; } } my $ctlFile = $args{DIRECTORY}. '/' . lc($args{TABLE}) . '.ctl'; my $ctlFh = new IO::File();
$ctlFh->open("> $ctlFile") || die "cannot create file $ctlFile -
$ctlFh->print("load data\n");
$ctlFh->print("infile '$args{DUMPFILE}'\n");
$ctlFh->print("into table $args{TABLE}\n");
$ctlFh->print(q{fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by
'"'}. "\n");
$ctlFh->print( "\t" . join(",\n\t",@columns) . "\n");
my $parFile = $args{DIRECTORY}. '/' . lc($args{TABLE}) . '.par'; my $parFh = new IO::File();
$parFh->open("> $parFile") || die "cannot create file $parFile -
$parFh->print("userid = $args{SCHEMA}\n");
$parFh->print("control = " . lc($args{TABLE}) . ".ctl\n");
$parFh->print("log = " . lc($args{TABLE}) . ".log\n");
$parFh->print("bad = " . lc($args{TABLE}) . ".bad\n");
Sent by:
08/25/2003 09:24 AM
Please respond to ORACLE-L
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> cc: Subject: RE: Query results to .csv
Jared - Thanks for posting this. At the moment, we are preparing to move
large database to a new server. Based on the advice you posted several
months ago, we have been testing SQL*Loader and as you predicted, it is
indeed fast. But also as you predicted, using SQL*Plus to create a CSV
very fast. Am I correct in assuming the dump.sql will not be the best
for large tables? We are installing perl since you mentioned that would
probably be much faster.
Dennis Williams
DBA, 80%OCP, 100% DBA
Lifetouch, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 9:40 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
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