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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Software Owner for Oracle8 and Oracle9
My answer
Benefit using different users.
1. If the applications of thoese two databases should not access each other then you have better security, the owner of the instances processes are different. 2. If DBAs that manage those databases are different person than they can change the password without require another DBA to be arround. 3. There must be reasons why they propose this setting, perhaps you want to share why they decide such setting.
Benefit using same user.
1. If the Oracle 8 require upgrade you don't have to install Oracle 9 again. 2. A little bit easy to manage. 3. According to Unix book (I don't remember the title of the book) it said "The lesser the users the more secure your system" (I agree with this line)
Just my opinion...
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 25 August 2003 13:35
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Hi all,
We have currently a debate ongoing on the Unix side about the issue of having 1 Oracle software owner for both Oracle 8 and 9 versus having a new software owner for 9.
What comments you have, w hat might be advantages and disadvantages using one or two users...
Thank you in advance,
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Author: Sinardy Xing
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