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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Forms - as sysdba
I MUST connect as sys, because it's a part of an upgrade of our system.
I will try to find some kind of patch for this situation as Jared
Anyway, it should be possible to connect from command line, shouldn't
it? Something like:
c:\orant\bin\ifrun60.exe C:\dev\form.fmx "sys/sys_at_db "\/'as sysdba'"
-----Original Message-----
Hemant K Chitale
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 5:54 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Rather, why do you want to connect as SYS ?
If you've created some custom tables in the SYS schema in an earlier
create another user, connect as SYS in sqlplus, GRANT privileges to that
and connect as that new user in Forms. -- and think about migrating the
out of the SYS schema.
If you are querying standard tables, OEM provides good views for most of
you need and the group here can provide better SQL scripts anyway.
At 07:29 AM 21-08-03 -0800, you wrote:
Try if it works if you put sys/sys as sysdba to forms username prompt?
(without quotes)
But why do you want to connect as sysdba anyway?
To: Multiple recipients of <> list ORACLE-L
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 11:54 AM
Hi all,
I have a DB and I need to connect to Forms 6i as user sys. There are 3 boxes for username, password and database.
I tried a lot of combinations, eg:
Username: sys as sysdba
Password: sys
Database: db
sys/sys_at_db as sysdba
sys/sys_at_db /as sysdba
sys/sys_at_db 'as sysdba'
sys/sys_at_db '/as sysdba'
But I always get an error message - either invalid username/password or TNS error (can't recognize the connect string).
I have also tried it from command line but didn't succeed.
Does anyone know if/how is it possible?
Thanks a lot
Robert Pipich
Hemant K Chitale
Oracle 9i Database Administrator Certified Professional
My personal web site is :
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Author: Robo
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