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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Change based recovery
Yes, It can be done!! Just with your cold backup and your archive logs.
1) Get this straight - A cold backup does not require any kind of
recovery. When you restore a cold backup your DB will be old but will
NOT require any recovery.
2) If you want to bring a old database to current time, you have to
apply the archive logs. In case of a cold backup you cannot (read till
the end) do it as your control files do not recognize newer archive logs
generated after the backup was taken.
The Work around is to re-create the control file using the 'create
control file' script (see below) and then recover the database using the
ask you for the archive logs; on supplying the archive logs, the
database will be recovered further.
3) In case of a hot backup the backup is in-consistent. So after
restoring a backup it WILL ask for recovery which will happen from the
archive logs. This is same as the above but there is no Downtime
involved in hot backups.
Creating control file:
The script to create the control file can be generated using the
following command:
This will create a .trc file in the UDUMP directory of the database. You
will have to edit it before running to create the control file. Browse
thru Metalink for more info on this.
Hope this helps! Cheers!
-----Original Message-----
Fermin Bernaus
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 6:04 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Well I am quite de-motivated actually!! but at least it is good to know I was (partially) wrong and that I will feel safer after reading your comments, thanks!
I am really in doubt now, but I remember when we were testing we did recover all datafiles (the ones that are stated in the v$datafile table) from a cold backup except control files and redolog files; we were able to restore the whole database with the commands I wrote down in my first message. If I am still wrong, will you please be kind enough to tell me which are the exact commands needed to recover the whole database from a cold backup if I have no online backups and I lose everything except for the archived logs? can it really be done?
Thank you so much!
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Venu Gopal []
Enviado el: lunes, 11 de agosto de 2003 13:44
Para: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Asunto: RE: Change based recovery
I don't want to de-motivate you, but I really doubt whether your backup strategy really works. The command that you have mentioned below will NOT do a complete recovery as it's a cold backup.
As for your questions:
1) You can recover your entire database in either case (Cold or Hot), If
you have your archive logs.
Difference being, You have recreate your control file if
it's a cold DB backup and recover the DB using 'BACKUP CONTROL FILE'
2) Lets look at it the other way; you do NOT need any downtime for Hot
backups while you need downtime for Cold backups. Downtime could be very
expensive depending on the type of database.
Secondly, you can take a hot backup very frequently as it does not
involve any downtime. Recent backup means less recovery is required and
less time to bring up the database.
Let me know if you need anymore info.
-----Original Message-----
Fermin Bernaus
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 4:54 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I've been reading your messages with much interest. I have some experience with database administration and I have done many tests, but I've not tried what I am going to expose in this message, maybe you can help. We do cold backups on a regular basis (every weekend) then just backup the archive log every day, then delete them every time a new cold backup is done. We have tested it and if all database files (parameters file, datafiles, control files) except for one control file and the archived logs were lost we could recover the entire database issuing the following commands after restoring all missing files and mounting the database:
My questions are:
1 - Could a complete restore be done even if we lost ALL control files? can we recover the entire database from a cold backup provided we have all archived logs until the failure time?
2 - If the answer is yes, what is the advantage of doing on-line backups of datafiles and control files?
Thanks for your answers, I always learn so much from this list!!
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Hand, Michael T []
Enviado el: viernes, 08 de agosto de 2003 18:10
Para: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Asunto: RE: Change based recovery
The 3rd option (besides shuting down source database and using a
controlfile trace) is to "alter database backup controlfile to
'filename'; ", use this file, then proceed with the recovery as Venu
suggests. I've used this method on a hot backup to roll the database
forward. Also, don't bother restoring the redo logs as you will be
overwriting / recreating them with the "alter database open resetlogs".
One more thing I noticed. Your until change number looks to me like an
archive sequence number rather than the SCN it needs to be. Hope this
Mike Hand
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 8:21 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Hi Guys and Gals,
We are currently doing some testing to enable us to move our production
database from one unix box to another.
We are running a 7.3.4 db in archivelog mode. The approach that
management want to use is to restore the database on the new server from
a backup and then roll it forward using the archived redo logs.
I have a full cold back up from last Friday. I have restored the datafiles, controlfiles and redo logs onto our test server from the backup tape, and then ftp'd the archived logs over.
I then do -
SVRMGR> startup mount
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 258304260 bytes Fixed Size 45092 bytes Variable Size 126925024 bytes Database Buffers 131072000 bytes Redo Buffers 262144 bytesDatabase mounted.
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-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Venu Gopal INET: Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting servicesReceived on Mon Aug 11 2003 - 08:49:23 CDT
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