Hello Paula,
I am trying to install 9iAS Release 2 on Linux ? What platform did you install it on ?
I was able to install on Tru64, but failed in Linux.
We hope they will provide us interactive DBCA....
>From: Paula_Stankus@doh.state.fl.us
>Reply-To: ORACLE-L@fatcity.com
>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
>Subject: RE: 9ias install - automatic creation of database
>Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 06:39:24 -0800
>I am really annoyed with the 9iasV2 install. At one point it asked where I
>wanted to put the database files and stated that it was not a good policy to
>put them in the same fs as the Oracle binaries - being a good OFA-compliant
>DBA I have already been following this standard and preached the gospel from
>place to place. At one time during the install it asked me where I wished
>to put the files. Then I had to basically wipe out the install and start
>again. When I say "wipe" that is what I mean:
>So....why is it going ahead running a DBCA, putting the database files in
>the same fs as the oracle binaries and not giving me the option again. I
>have gotten rid of everything related to the previous installation. I
>supposed I can go ahead and then move the files later. But this seems a
>trifle annoying.
>Okay, just venting about the fact that the 9ias install is not as mature as
>the RDBMS install.
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