bitmaps are stored within the datafiles themselves. You would add the
extra space to EACH datafile.
Tablespaces are logical constructs.... they have no physical reality
other than the corresponding datafiles.
If the bitmap were stored in only the first datafile, Oracle would need
to access that datafile header for EVERY space allocation in the
tablespace. Which would introduce the contention and performance hit
that LMTs are meant to reduce
- "Biddell, Ian" <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have seen previous discussions on datafile sizing and adding 64k to
> the size for the bitmap header.
> Also other people saying that they just go for 2001MB when they want
> a
> 2000mb datafile.
> My question is does each datafile require this within the tablespace
> or
> is it just one per tablespace to facilitate LMT ?
> So if I have this statement
> DATAFILE 'D:\oracle\oradata\gcdev\tables_l01.dbf' SIZE 8000M,
> 'D:\oracle\oradata\gcdev\tables_l01.dbf' SIZE 8000M,
> 'D:\oracle\oradata\gcdev\tables_l01.dbf' SIZE 8000M,
> 'D:\oracle\oradata\gcdev\tables_l01.dbf' SIZE 8000M,
> 'D:\oracle\oradata\gcdev\tables_l01.dbf' SIZE 4000M
> extent management local uniform size 64m SEGMENT SPACE
> Do I add 1mb to each datafile or just the first?
> Thanks
> Ian
> --
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> Author: Biddell, Ian
> Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051
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