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vw_nso_1 is probably an inline view .... look for statements in the trace file ... something that has inline views ...
Thanks for this analysis ...
-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Poras []
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 1:29 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: are fast refreshes really fast?
I've been working with Materialized Views and fast refreshes lately. I
finally stopped to think about what is going on. Amazing what happens when I
stop to think. When I think of fast refreshes, I assume the materialized
view is refreshed from the MLOG$ tables associated with the base tables
(MLOG$ tables record changes, Insert/Update/Delete, made to the base
tables). I just realized that this isn't necessarily so. A fast refresh can
do a full table scan (or index scan, ...) on base tables. Pretty
straightforward, I just never stopped to think. I guess this means that some
fast refreshes can take quite a while (the pause that refreshes?).
Here is the deal. If the materialized view is based on a join there is no choice but to access the base table(s). A simple example:
CREATE TABLE test1 (id1 number);
CREATE TABLE test2 (id2 number
id1 number);
this creates mlog$_test1 there are some problems with join fast refreshes using Primary Keys
this creates mlog$_test2
SELECT test1.rowid "t1_rowid", test2.rowid "t2_rowid", test1.id1, test2.id2
FROM test1, test2
WHERE test1.id1=test2.id1
mlog$_test1 and mlog$_test2 both have a single entry.
do a fast refresh
So far this seems OK. All that is needed to populate the materialized view are the mlogs. After the refresh completes successfully, the two mlog$ tables are empty, as expected.
Now try
mlog$_test2 has one row, mlog$_test1 is empty.
When I refresh test1_test2, a row is added because of my entry into test2. The test1 data, however, is no longer in mlog$_test1, but in the base table test1. The fast refresh must access the base tables. How it does so is dependent on available indexes, statistics, table size, ...
To confirm this, I ran my test with 10046 trace on, and did three sets of inserts/fast refresh
The trace file had two different INSERT INTO test1_test2 statements. It was actually formed, by Oracle, with various hints and a nested subquery. The main point is that one of the inserts was driven by MLOG$_TEST2 and accessed test1 (by index unique scan in this case), while the other insert was driven by MLOG$_TEST1 and accessed base table test2 (fts/hash join).
INSERT INTO test2 values (3,1);
The trace file had a single INSERT INTO test1_test2. It was driven by MLOG$_TEST2 and accessed test1 with index unique scan.
The trace file had a single INSERT INTO test1_test2. It was driven by MLOG$_TEST1 and accessed test2 with fts/hash join.
I am still looking through my trace files when I have free time (ha!) to see if there is any other good stuff. For example, the explain plans for the INSERT INTO test1_test2 inlude a view VW_NSO_1 which I can't find. No clue what that is.
Hope this helps someone.
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Henry Poras INET: Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services --------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-LReceived on Wed Jul 16 2003 - 11:42:10 CDT
(or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may
also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing). ------_=_NextPart_001_01C34BB9.33FEE3A2 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; = charset=3Diso-8859-1"> <META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version = 5.5.2654.45"> <TITLE>RE: are fast refreshes really fast?</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>vw_nso_1 is probably an inline view .... look for = statements in the trace file ... something that has inline views = ...</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Thanks for this analysis ...</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Raj</FONT> <BR><FONT = SIZE=3D2>---------------------------------------------------------------= -----------------</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Rajendra dot Jamadagni at nospamespn dot com</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>All Views expressed in this email are strictly = personal.</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>QOTD: Any clod can have facts, having an opinion is = an art !</FONT> </P> <BR> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>-----Original Message-----</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>From: Henry Poras [<A = HREF=3D""></A>]</FON= T> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 1:29 PM</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Subject: are fast refreshes really fast?</FONT> </P> <BR> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>I've been working with Materialized Views and fast = refreshes lately. I</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>finally stopped to think about what is going on. = Amazing what happens when I</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>stop to think. When I think of fast refreshes, I = assume the materialized</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>view is refreshed from the MLOG$ tables associated = with the base tables</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>(MLOG$ tables record changes, Insert/Update/Delete, = made to the base</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>tables). I just realized that this isn't necessarily = so. A fast refresh can</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>do a full table scan (or index scan, ...) on base = tables. Pretty</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>straightforward, I just never stopped to think. I = guess this means that some</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>fast refreshes can take quite a while (the pause = that refreshes?).</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Here is the deal. If the materialized view is based = on a join there is no</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>choice but to access the base table(s). A simple = example:</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>CREATE TABLE test1 (id1 number);</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>CREATE TABLE test2 (id2 number</FONT> <BR><FONT = SIZE=3D2> &nb= sp; &nb= sp; = id1 number);</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG on test1</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>WITH ROWID;</FONT> <BR> <FONT SIZE=3D2>this = creates mlog$_test1</FONT> <BR> <FONT SIZE=3D2>there are = some problems with join fast refreshes using Primary Keys</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG on test2</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>WITH ROWID;</FONT> <BR> <FONT SIZE=3D2>this = creates mlog$_test2</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW test1_test2</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>WITH ROWID</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>AS</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>SELECT test1.rowid "t1_rowid", = test2.rowid "t2_rowid", test1.id1, test2.id2</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>FROM test1, test2</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>WHERE test1.id1=3Dtest2.id1</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>/</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1);</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (2,1);</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>COMMIT;</FONT> <BR> <FONT = SIZE=3D2>mlog$_test1 and mlog$_test2 both have a single entry.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>exec DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH('TEST1_TEST2','F');</FONT> <BR> <FONT SIZE=3D2>do a fast = refresh</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>So far this seems OK. All that is needed to populate = the materialized view</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>are the mlogs. After the refresh completes = successfully, the two mlog$</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>tables are empty, as expected.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Now try</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (3,1);</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>COMMIT;</FONT> <BR> <FONT = SIZE=3D2>mlog$_test2 has one row, mlog$_test1 is empty.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>When I refresh test1_test2, a row is added because of = my entry into test2.</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>The test1 data, however, is no longer in = mlog$_test1, but in the base table</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>test1. The fast refresh must access the base tables. = How it does so is</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>dependent on available indexes, statistics, table = size, ...</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>To confirm this, I ran my test with 10046 trace on, = and did three sets of</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>inserts/fast refresh</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>case#1</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (1);</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>INSERT INTO test2 VALUES (2,1);</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>exec = DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH('TEST1_TEST2','F');</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>The trace file had two different INSERT INTO = test1_test2 statements. It was</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>actually formed, by Oracle, with various hints and a = nested subquery. The</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>main point is that one of the inserts was driven by = MLOG$_TEST2 and accessed</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>test1 (by index unique scan in this case), while the = other insert was driven</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>by MLOG$_TEST1 and accessed base table test2 =
(fts/hash join).</FONT>
</P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>case#2</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>INSERT INTO test2 values (3,1);</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>exec = DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH('TEST1_TEST2','F');</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>The trace file had a single INSERT INTO test1_test2. = It was driven by</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>MLOG$_TEST2 and accessed test1 with index unique = scan.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>case#3</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>INSERT INTO test1 VALUES (2);</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>exec = DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH('TEST1_TEST2','F');</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>The trace file had a single INSERT INTO test1_test2. = It was driven by</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>MLOG$_TEST1 and accessed test2 with fts/hash = join.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>I am still looking through my trace files when I have = free time (ha!) to see</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>if there is any other good stuff. For example, the = explain plans for the</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>INSERT INTO test1_test2 inlude a view VW_NSO_1 which = I can't find. No clue</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>what that is.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Hope this helps someone.</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Henry</FONT> </P> <BR> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>-- </FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: <A = HREF=3D"" = TARGET=3D"_blank"></A></FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>-- </FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>Author: Henry Poras</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2> INET:</FONT> </P> <P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Fat City Network Services -- = 858-538-5051 <A HREF=3D"" = TARGET=3D"_blank"></A></FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>San Diego, = California -- Mailing list = and web hosting services</FONT> <BR><FONT = SIZE=3D2>---------------------------------------------------------------= ------</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an = E-Mail message</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>to: (note EXACT spelling of = 'ListGuru') and in</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB = ORACLE-L</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>(or the name of mailing list you want to be removed = from). You may</FONT> <BR><FONT SIZE=3D2>also send the HELP command for other information =
(like subscribing).</FONT>
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