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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: oracle authentication from windows
Here is a lowdown on the security aspects related to the OS authentication.
(1) The use of remote_os_authent is false, then it simply means that users from another machine can't log in using OPS$ accounts. Needless to say, this reduces the security and must be weighed a bit more carefully than usual.
(2) Should you ever have accounts externally identified? I would say, yes, as long as you know the privileges are not sweeping. For instance, you definitely don't want to give DBA privs to an externally identifiable user.
(3) Having said that, the next question is - should you leave the value of os_authent_prefix at NULL (""). I say absolutely not. Here is the probelm with an externally idefoaable user with os_authent_prefix set to null. A user OPS$SCOTT identified externally is no the same as SCOTT, if the os_authent_prefix is set to OPS$. If that parameter is null, then database user SCOTT is the same as the OS user SCOTT. If someone creates a user in the OS called "system" and os_authent_prefix is null, what is the database user it connects to? SYSTEM!!!! Would you want that? Of couse not. That is why you never, ever, want to set the os_authent_prefix to null. Always set it to a value. You may have a different value such as UNSAFE$, if you wish, to fool the hackers.
(4) Thank you for the example. I guess I was not very clear on that issue. I think the original question from Bulbul was how to prevent the OPS$ useers from connecting to the database using user id, isn't that so, Bulbul? The solution is rather simple. Just use either of the two forms of the command "create user OPS$SCOTT identified externally" or create user SCOTT identified by tiger", not "create user OPS$SCOTT identified by tiger". And always set your os_authent_prefix to OPS$ or some non-null value. This way the accounts will be authenticated in only one way, not both.
Another trick I use to foll th ehackers using the brute force attack is to use the construct
alter user ops$scott identified by values 'somestringinascii'
Since the password is hashed and digestedm this will not match any password and therefore will not correspond to a value.
By the way, Gilles, the connection will work fine with the userid as a parameter to the sqlplus command. Are you using unix? If so, use
sqlplus ops\$arup/nanda (note the backslash before the $ sign)
instead of
sqlplus ops$arup/nanda
$ sign being a unix special character may have confused sqlplus, thinking $arup/nanda being an environmental variable.
HTH. Arup
> Hi Arup,
> At 21:59 21/06/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> <Snip>...
> >An OS user called scott will be able to connect as the database user
> >OPS$SCOTT, not SCOTT - a big difference. This is why the
> >parameter is so important to set; don't leave it as null. If it is null,
> >then the OS user scott can connect to database user scott.
> >
> Maybe I miss the obvious..
> Considering remote_os_authent=false, why for LOCAL connections
> os_authent_prefix='' is inherently less secure than os_authent_prefix=OPS$
> or whatever string you choose.
> In each case, the prerequisite is to create the user "identified
> (that's where you MUST be cautious)
> But if scott is created with a password (i.e create user scott identified
> by tiger)
> then no OS user scott can log on whatever the os_authent_prefix is.
> At least that's how I understand the feature.
> Can you please elaborate on the security issue ?
> >> Any ideas how to restrict the externally identified users so that they
> >> have to log in to the database server to access their oracle schemas.?
> >
> >Well, they are mutually exclusive. A user is authenticated by either the
> >database or externally, not both. So if you create user scott identified
> >externally, you are allowing him to bypass database authentication. If
> >don't want that, then you would create user SCOTT identified by a
> >
> In fact if os_authent_prefix=OPS$ and ONLY in this case,
> you can still do this (it's inherited from V6 days but still working
> with Oracle 9i R2) :
> create user ops$arup identified by nanda;
> grant create session to ops$arup;
> And know you can either connect with
> sqlplus /
> or
> sqlplus /nolog
> connect ops$arup/nanda
> or
> sqlplus /nolog
> connect ops$arup
> password : nanda
> Although it doesn't work directly from the command line
> like sqlplus ops$arup/nanda
> or sqlplus ops$arup
> password : nanda
> (But works again after you get
> Enter username for a 2nd try)
> Regards
> Gilles Parc
> carpe diem !!
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> Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051
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-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Arup Nanda INET: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services --------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Tue Jun 24 2003 - 22:31:03 CDT
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