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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Trigger double firing apparently double inserts
Hi Listers
I have a trigger that is an on update trigger that is somehow writing two
records when a record is updated in the table that the trigger is
associated with.
I have run the select statement to see if it will retrieve multiple
records and the msf071 table that has the record that causes the trigger
to fire has only on record for the equip_no
Why does it do this and how do I fix it.
As you might notice it inserts across a link
I have had a loom at Metalink but wasn't able to locate anything
Trigger code below
create or replace trigger msf071_archibus_update
after update on msf071
for each row
v_equip_number := :old.Entity_value; v_entity_type := :old.entity_type; v_ref_value := :new.ref_code;
dstrct_code, NAME, assoc_value, equip_status, active_flag, parent_equip, equip_classif_3, sizecell, sizem, aream, suburb, postcode, street_no, street_name, state) SELECT c.equip_no, dstrct_code, c.item_name_1, substr(h.assoc_rec, 1, 1), equip_status, active_flg, parent_equip, equip_classifx3, to_number(d.attrib_value_num_9), To_number(e.attrib_value_num_9) "SIZE", to_number(f.attrib_value_num_9) "AREASQM", substr(g.suburb, 1, 30), substr(g.zip_code, 1, 4), street_no, substr((g.street_name|| ' ' || a.table_desc) ,1,50)"STREET_TYPE", substr(b.table_desc, 1, 30) "STATE"FROM MSF600 c, view_MSF6a4_cellsize d, view_msf6a4_size e, view_msf6a4_area f, MSF011 g, view_msf010_assoc_value h, view_msf010_streettype a, view_msf010_state b
WHERE c.equip_no = v_equip_number AND c.Equip_no = d.equip_no(+) AND c.Equip_no = e.equip_no(+) AND c.Equip_no = f.equip_no(+)AND c.equip_class = h.table_code AND c.location = g.location(+) AND
/*end loop;*/
END IF; end msf071_archibus_update;
--Received on Fri Jun 13 2003 - 02:26:02 CDT
Peter McLarty E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Technical Consultant WWW: APAC Technical Services Phone: +61 (0)7 3303 3461 Brisbane, Australia Mobile: +61 (0)402 094 238 Facsimile: +61 (0)7 3303 3048
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