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I see
two possible issues here:
class=115281318-09062003>1). Is the COL-2 value changing either from/to a
null value? if so, then the WHEN clause is incorrect and the Table B
trigger will not fire at all. In other words, if COL-2's before or after
value is a NULL, then the trigger will not fire. You should make sure and
include the NVL function in the WHEN clause.
class=115281318-09062003>2). The way I see it, if COL-2 is being updated
with a non-null value, that is not equal to the old value, then the trigger will
not fire. The WHEN clause says to ONLY fire if the before and after values
are the same. It looks like it should work.
Tom Mercadante <FONT face=Arial
size=2>Oracle Certified Professional
<FONT face=Tahoma
size=2>-----Original Message-----From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 2:54
PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject:
Cascading TriggersHi
listers... I have a question
related to triggers. One of the developers here has created two triggers
as follows : Trigger #1 is an
- the trigger has PL/SQL code including an UPDATE dml
statement on TABLE-B.COL-2 Trigger
#2 is an AFTER UPDATE trigger on TABLE-B with a WHEN clause (old.COL-1 =
- the trigger has PL/SQL including an UPDATE to TABLE-C
So, here's the interesting thing...
An update to TABLE-A fires
Trigger #1 causing an update to TABLE-B.COL-2. <FONT
face=sans-serif size=2>This should in turn cause Trigger #2 to fire. But
that is not happening, or perhaps its fired, but <FONT
face=sans-serif size=2>the WHEN clause condition on TABLE-B (Trigger #2) isn't
being met for some reason. The
question is why ? Is there something going on with read consistancy ?
Where Trigger #2 sees the old
(pre-updated) version of TABLE-B.COL-2 and is not aware of the new value set
by Trigger #1 ? I haven't seen much
info on cascading triggers. Any
thoughts or suggestions to point me in the right direction would be
appreciated. Carol
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Received on Mon Jun 09 2003 - 14:04:19 CDT