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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: RE: Schedule Analyze using DBMS_STATS ???
There are a Lot of options to DBMS_STATS .. And be Judicious in using
the same. Read the docs before attempting it.
BTW .. What is the session waiting for .. Just Check v$session_wait.
Best Regards,
Ganesh R
DID : +65-6215-8413
HP : +65-9067-8474
-----Original Message-----
Keshava Murthy (Cognizant)
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 8:55 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Hi all,
Everyone is recommending DBMS_STATS to be used forcomputing the statistics. But even after specifying the parallel option , DBMS_STATS is taking lots of time ! in comparison to Analyze...
In case of tables with a million records the query just hangs when i use the stats package...
Can anybody tell me whts happening ?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 8:55 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Sorry JP, I should have clarified that DBMS_STATS is the way to go, when on a 9i or above release. One of the simple factors being that ANALYZE is being deprecated.. There seemed to be a number of bugs/quirks, whatever you want to call them, in certain 8.1.x versions, which are now fixed within 9i..
There's a number of threads about the issues, available in the list archives (you can find them at, which I dug around - as I remembered seeing a post by Connor McDonald, where he gave away an alternate script to gather stats, here's the mail:
I think the general consensus is that DBMS_STATS is quicker. I've never personally done any comparative benchmarks to corroborate this sheep following attitude though.. ;)
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 03 June 2003 14:55
To: Mark Leith
Thanx a lot Mark.
Sure , your code has given me a starting point.
let me change accordingly to use DBMS_STATSe and give a try :-)
So,can i conclude that DBMS_STATS is better than ANALYZE ?!
Someone over the list mentioned that DBMS_STATS is slower. is it so ? What is your opinion regarding this ?! just curious to know !
3-6-2003 22:01:32, "Mark Leith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Use DBMS_JOBS to run the analyze:
>undef username
>undef password
>grant analyze any to &&username
>connect &&username/&&password
>CREATE or REPLACE PROCEDURE analyze_tables (
> v_stat_type IN VARCHAR2 := 'COMPUTE') AS
> FROM all_tables
> WHERE owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM');
> FOR any_row IN c LOOP
> dbms_utility.analyze_schema(
> any_row.owner,v_stat_type);
> END;
>variable jobno number
>declare jobno number;
> dbms_job.submit(:jobno,
> 'begin &&username.analyze_tables; end;',
> to_date('03jun0304:00','DDMONYYHH24:MI'),
> 'trunc(sysdate)+(1+(4/24))');
> END;
>The above will run a COMPUTE analyze on all schemas, except SYS and
>at 4:00am every day. Modify it to your own needs, but it should give
you a
>starting point..
>I would also recommend using DBMS_STATS to generate your statistics.
>Have fun! ;0)
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