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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Function Based Index - Not Used ???
Wow, too good!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Gorman []
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 11:00 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: Re: Function Based Index - Not Used ???
> JP,
> I apologize in advance for the long email, but I think you'll find it
> rewarding to read it all the way through...
> The CBO is just a mathematical processor, and a rather good
> one at that. It
> is choosing the best plan given the data it has been given, which is
> admittedly often incomplete.
> Let's take a look at the following test case, perhaps
> somewhat similar to
> yours:
> ============== Begin test case #1 =======================
> SQL> create table t1
> 2 (
> 3 c1 varchar2(30),
> 4 c2 number,
> 5 c3 number
> 6 ) tablespace tools;
> Table created.
> SQL> begin
> 2 for i in 1..100000 loop
> 3 insert into t1 values(to_char(mod(i,187)),i,mod(i,187));
> 4 end loop;
> 5 end;
> 6 /
> PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
> SQL> create index i1 on t1(upper(c1)) tablespace tools;
> Index created.
> SQL> analyze table t1 compute statistics;
> Table analyzed.
> SQL> set autotrace on
> SQL>
> SQL> select c1 from t1 where upper(c1) = '10000';
> no rows selected
> Execution Plan
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=37 Card=535
> Bytes=1605)
> 1 0 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'T1' (Cost=37 Card=535 Bytes=1605)
> ============== End test case #1 =======================
> OK, so we've reproduced your situation. Why didn't it use
> the index? Are
> function-based indexes somehow not working? Or is the CBO
> choosing a FULL
> table scan instead?
> Here is some information to consider:
> * DBA_TABLES.NUM_ROWS = 100000
> The NUM_ROWS and BLOCKS are easy to understand. The CLUFAC
> we'll come back
> to later. The AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_KEY is an estimate of how
> many index-leaf
> blocks will be visited for each distinct key value. The
> AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY is the estimate of how many data
> blocks on the table
> will be visited for each distinct key value.
> That's a big number -- 231 blocks for each key value! THIS
> notice that this is almost exactly the same number of blocks
> in the entire
> table! With this fact in mind, how could the CBO possibly
> choose an indexed
> access plan?
> Why is this happening? Notice how the data values were
> "scattered" using
> the MOD() function? That causes values to be scattered across all the
> blocks of the table, and not "clustered" together onto one
> patch of blocks.
> That's why the CLUSTERING_FACTOR is so large. It is much
> "closer" to the
> NUM_ROWS value (indicating bad clustering) as opposed to
> being closer in
> value to BLOCKS (indicating good clustering).
> All in all, not using the index is a very wise choice by the CBO.
> Now, let's change the distribution of data and see what happens...
> ============== Begin test case #2 =======================
> SQL> truncate table t1;
> Table truncated.
> SQL> drop index i1;
> Index dropped.
> SQL> begin
> 2 for i in 1..100000 loop
> 3 insert into t1
> 4 values(to_char(round(i/187,0)),i, round(i/187,0));
> 5 end loop;
> 6 end;
> 7 /
> PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
> SQL>
> SQL> create index i1 on t1(upper(c1)) tablespace tools;
> Index created.
> SQL> analyze table t1 compute statistics;
> Table analyzed.
> SQL> set autotrace on
> SQL>
> SQL> select c1 from t1 where upper(c1) = '10000';
> no rows selected
> Execution Plan
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=2 Card=187 Bytes=561)
> Card=187 Bytes=561)
> 2 1 INDEX (RANGE SCAN) OF 'I1' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=1 Card=187)
> ============== End test case #2 =======================
> Now we got what you wanted -- to use the index, without
> hints. How did this
> come about?
> Notice how the data in the column C1 got populated in the
> anonymous PL/SQL
> block. Instead of scattering data values all over the place
> using the MOD()
> function (as in the first case study), this time the data
> values are grouped
> (a.k.a. clustered) together in the same blocks, because we're
> utilizing the
> divisor instead of the remainder.
> So, with this new data population, here are new statistics to
> consider:
> * DBA_TABLES.NUM_ROWS = 100000
> Now, you can see that the AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY is only 1
> (before it was
> 231), and the CLUSTERING_FACTOR is very close in value to
> BLOCKS. Both of
> these statistics indicate that an index range scan would be
> very efficient.
> And so, the CBO chooses to use the index this time, without
> being forced...
> ----
> Does this explain what is going on? Check some of the same
> factors in your
> own situation and see if they are similar...
> ----
> The fact that you measured the FULL table scan at 5.0 secs
> elapsed time and
> the indexed scan at 0.7 secs only indicates that you probably
> have a data
> skew problem. My example here show perfect data distribution
> (i.e. 187
> distinct data values each time). Does your example also have
> even data
> distribution, or should you gather column statistics for all
> indexed columns
> as well, to inform the CBO about "popular" and "unpopular"
> data values?
> Hope this helps...
> -Tim
> on 5/29/03 7:23 PM, Prem Khanna J at wrote:
> > Thanks Tim.
> >
> > But the SELECT returns just 2 of 20,00,000 records.
> > and the Time elapsed for Index scan is 0.7 secs where as
> > it is 5 secs for FTS.
> >
> > Hell a lot of lousy things here Tim.
> > just mending it one by one.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Jp.
> >
> > 2003/05/29 22:30:02, Tim Gorman <> wrote:
> >> JP,
> >> In the EXPLAIN PLAN, it says "Card=262146", indicating
> that the query
> >> expects to retrieve over a quarter-million rows. Is that
> in fact correct?
> >> If so, the CBO is making the correct decision to perform a
> FULL table scan.
> >> What was the comparison of elapsed times between the two
> plans, the one
> >> being the FULL table scan and the other being the indexed
> scan? I bet the
> >> FULL table scan query finished much more quickly...
> >> You've got everything configured correctly -- simply a
> lousy index. The CBO
> >> has to be coerced into using the index because it is not
> the best plan to
> >> use.
> >> Hope this helps...
> >> -Tim
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
> --
> Author: Tim Gorman
> Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services
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