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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Paging problem
Arvind :
In order to be sure you have a memory performance
problem. I'd check for and lsps -a
If your AIX is actually paging and memory usage is an
issue, I'd try to identify the processes that use a
big amount of memory.
Tou can do this by using ps -eafl SZ field and
confirming that you're not seeing shared memory usage
with svmon command.
Diego Cutrone
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 3:37 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Let's be simplistic about this. First, type ps
-el|grep -v oracle. That will
give you list of all processes except those ran by
user oracle. Look at the column
SZ and see which one is the largest. Do you have
JDK,X11, GNOME, CDE, X terminals, Domino
server or any other hog on the system? Do you have
top? Run top and press capital M.
That will sort processes by their resident memory. See
which one doesn't belong to
oracle and see if it is paging, and if it is, what is
it doing and do you really,
really want it? If no processes other then oracle ones
are devouring memory, do
you have dedicated server connections or MTS? May be
you should consider MTS? If not,
look at the sort area size, hash area size,
OPEN_CURSORS (I've always been suspicious
when it comes to the applications that open a
gazillion of cursors).
How about kernel configuration? How many buffers do
you have? (NBUFF and NINODE
parameters, now obsolete in most Unixes, but 4.3 is a
rather old version). How
about STREAMS? Do you have a gazillion of unnecessary
streams buffers? Do you have OpenGL
installed? Any processes named something like Doom,
Xtetris, Invaders, Pacman
(well, Pacman and Snake are rather old ones, but who
knows. I used to play them
on a big VAX 6440. Boy did they perform well,
especially if given real-time
priorities.) or alike? Are you running Samba, Apache,
WebSphere or anything of
that nature? Do you have 25,000 processes named
On 2003.05.26 03:11 Arvind Kumar wrote:
> Hi All,
> am facing the paging/swaping problem on AIX
4.3 running the oracle
> 8.1.5.i have 2GB of physical Memory and the total
SGA is
> as below -
> buffer cache-350M
> Shared pool - 200M
> Log buffer -10 M
> Sort area size - 2M
> Sort area reatined size - 1M
> Database cache Hit Ratio is - 94 to 96%
> Library cache Hit Ratio is - 96%
> the most waited event is db_file_scattered_read ,
due to this i increased
> the value of db_file_multiblock_read_count from 16
to 64.
> maximum concurrent users connected is 80, at pick
time.if i run the vmstat
> command the PI and PO column is always 2 and 1.
> in TOP command it shows that total memory usages is
same as the total
> virtual memory usgaes means if my total memory use
> 800M then the virtual is also of 800M.
> i am not able to find out why the paging is
ocurring resulting the slow
> there anything needs to be done on OS
> like setting the shared memory and semaphores as we
do in case of SCO Unix.
> Thanks
> Arvind Kumar
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