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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: lob problem
Deshpandey sir
thank you very much
apparently lobs cannot be placed in tablespaces with segment space
management set to auto
This restriction has been removed in Release 2
Thank you very much, I had pored through the "application developers guide
(large objects)" and it doesn't mention this anywhere.
Finally found it in the Release 2 new features section of the admin guide
I created a new tablespace with segment space management manual, there I was
successfully able to carry out
create table test
( my_col clob,
my_col2 varchar2(30) ) ;
There were some bugs with Auto Segment Space Mgmt and LOB type fields. Check Metalink or contact oracle support. Try upgrading to 9.2.0 release. 9.0.1.x had a few problems.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2003 6:34 PM
To: Deshpande, Kirti
Hello Deshpandey sir
I have Oracle enterprise edition with partitioning option, on
I have created two test databases called 'lahiri' and 'oemrep' using the same Oracle software.
I created the database 'oemrep' using dbca, on the other hand I created 'lahiri' using 'create database' followed by catalog, catproc (as sys) and
pupbld (as system).
I set compatible= on both the databases before creating them.
I get the following error on the manually created database (lahiri) and
on the one created using dbca.
I am able to run
create table test
( my_col clob,
my_col2 varchar2(30) ) ;
when I am connected as sysdba or connected as system
but I am unable to run the above when I connect as user scott. My system
tablespace is dictionary managed.
I created scott as follows :
sql create user scott identified by tiger
default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on users ; grant create session, create table, create sequence, create procedure, create view to scott; grant select_catalog_role to scott;The default tablespace called 'users' is locally managed with autoextend switched on in its datafiles (maxsize unlimited) oh , and automatic segment
( my_col clob, my_col2 varchar2(30) ) ;
create table test
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03001: unimplemented feature
1..Any idea what scripts need to be run specifically to enable lob support
for the user scott ?. Or does it have something to do with privileges or the nature of tablespaces.
2..What does the dbca do that I need to do ?
3.. I had already going through the entire process of specifying the
in dbca and then at the last moment telling dbca to just create scripts
that I could read thru then and fiind out what to do. But when I read
those scripts I found out that :
a.. dbca creates many scripts
b.. each of those scripts , calls many other scripts itself.
This makes it very difficult to find out what really enables lob support.
4.. Could it be due to some error occuring while catalog and catproc run ?
To check this out I set did the following :
I started my database in restricted mode as sys and then re ran
after spooling on (but with echo off), the only errors I got were when
object name conflicted with an existing object name. Other than that all grant creations , view creations, comment creations,etc suceeded (I went thru the entire spooled file and checked all the errors). Same thing with catproc.sql.
The problem persists.
Anyway sys and system are able to create the table containing clob
Why not scott ?
Any ideas
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