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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: RE: My career path and Oracle?
Gee, another marketing strategy from Uncle Larry - yeah! Let's go out and
simulaten. insult most of the future CFO's, CIO's, upper management types in
various industries in the U.S. in one fell swoop. "I mean, my goodness!"
Oracle OCP DBA
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 2:32 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Hmm, I don't have a degree in anything, but it hasn't seem to have hurt me too much.
Age and experience play a part I guess.
On Wednesday 07 May 2003 10:31, Orr, Steve wrote:
> I hold a generic MBA... hold the applause please. To my
> it's actually made a difference in successful gig acquisition. It doesn't
> seem to matter whether the institution is ivory tower or run of the mill,
> paper mill that is. Getting an accredited online degree in your spare time
> could be a strategy for folks that don't want to give up a job. I guess
> question is whether the degree is for personally vanity or part of a well
> thought out career plan.
> Teenage hackers who are smart as a whip and can write their own ticket
> without any degree may be an even better career strategy for geeks. Just
> ask Billy G. Or for a real laugh check out the offensive commencement
> address Larry E. gave to a bunch of ivory tower grads.
> (btw, the above speech is actually
> a hoax as it never occurred.)
> It's getting cold around here... 4 degrees below zero:
> 0
> M.B.A. More Banal Accolades
> B.S. Bull S**t
> M.S More of the Same
> Ph.D Piled High and Deep
> Steve Orr
> Bozeman, Montana
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 9:52 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> If you are planning to stay on the technical/practical/nuts and bolts side
> of things, then a masters is the way to go. I wouldn't bother with a Ph.D
> unless you are shooting for a teaching/research position. At best most
> places will ignore it and at worst you will be overqualified. If you have
> the extra time, get a second masters, perhaps an MBA. Your training should
> say, "I understand the practical side of all this" not "I am Ivory Tower,
> go away."
> My hope is to retire to a teaching position at a local university in 20
> years. In a case like that I will want that Ph.D, but not for some time
> yet.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 8:42 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Ive noticed that not having a technical degree really hurt me in my latest
> job search. Getting another bachelors would actually take as long as
> getting 2 masters degrees and almost as long as Ph.D, since Universites
> 'difficult' on transfer credit.
> Ive also noticed that alot of positions these days really want technical
> degrees and preferably graduate degrees. Masters only takes 2 years and
> interesting since. Havent decided on the Ph.D, will take me a while since
> have a non-technical degree, so I have to take a bunch of math to qualify.
> Im only 28 and basically while Im still young, I want to make sure Im
> position so that in the future I can do what ever is needed. I doublt Ill
> be writing PL/SQL then. I worked with a guy who was a mainframer for 30
> years and the demand for him was extremely high through the early 1990s,
> but has fallen off the earth. He got into Oracle development, but he had
> step down to a junior level position. This gravely concerns me.
> Ph.D... is a real pain.
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