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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: RMAN:To use or not to use a recovery catalog
We do no-rows exports (rows=n) of our large databases. It has come in useful for recreating objects (procedures, users, etc.). It isn't practical to export the data on these larger databases.
>>> 04/30/03 12:01PM >>>
Do you guys still use logical backup as one of the options . We are not
using any export backup here . But sometime I think we I will have to
recover one table then an export /import can be helpful ? . But is it good
for a db of size 50G ?
> Lizz,
> I use RMAN with a recovery catalog in this setup.
> Production and development servers OS = OpenVMS.
> RMAN control and schedule pc OS = LINUX.
> The production server "PROD" contains the data I want to protect.
> The development server "DEV" is my second server that contains 2
> instances DEV and RMAN.
> For ease of control and implementation I use the Linux pc to connect to
> the target "PROD" and catalog "RMAN" instances and back the data up to
> disk on the PROD server. The nightly tape backup copies the backup data
> to tape for recovery purposes is needed. Each week the old backup is
> deleted from disk to free up space after the new full backup is
> completed by RMAN and backed up to tape.
> Weekly I also do a full export of the RMAN instance from the
> development server to the production server for the backup to tape. With
> this method of using two servers, target and catalog, The recovery info
> is on a different server reducing the chances of complete loss of data
> in the event of a catastrofic event. The tapes are housed offsite also.
> With using the recovery catalog option on a second server you are
> better protecting your recovery data.
> Of course the second server also requires an Oracle license as you
> have to have an Oracle instance to run it on. I never could quite figure
> why you had to purchase an additional license just to use the data
> protection option that is supplied free.
> Ron
> >>> 04/29/03 07:51PM >>>
> All,I need some to use or not to use a recovery catalog via RMAN.
> Currently our system does not use a recovery catalog and backs up via
> veritas netbackup using a script ( I supplied it ). I have little RMAN
> experience and want to know if people are creating recovery catalog on
> the same system as they are backing up. Any advised would be most
> welcomed. Thanks in advanced. Lizz
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